Crackdown sees international student visa applications plummet

Source: mulefish


  1. Why would you trust data spewed by the head leech, Luke Sheehy from Universities Australia?

    I would rely on ABS data instead that shows more than 130k international students arrived in July 2024 – in one single month!


    Remind me again how many houses we build a month?

  2. Yay, you won idiots. I guess you’re all okay now to pay some extra tax to keep the unis open for Aussies, yeah? Yeah?

  3. I dont think people realise that this also turns off the money taps for our universities. Education is one of our biggest exports despite all the problems it produces. If we fix the chronic issues with housing supply we can maintain the income without making things shit for locals. After all, majority of students are concentrated in select high density areas and tend to leave after completing their studies so impact is generally short term

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