Vance and Walz focus their attacks on the top of the ticket — not each other: VP debate takeaways

Source: 1grain_of_salt


  1. Walz won this debate by being earnest and making excellent points. Vance appeared to respect Walz and much of what he was saying.

  2. Disc-Golf-Kid on

    It was a good, boring debate. I doubt it’ll shift the polls at all. As sane as Vance tried to come off (successfully so) we all know he’s full of shit and wants to become a dictator with Trump.

    Also, that moment where Walz asked Vance who won the 2020 election was the moment of the debate to me. Vance clearly cannot and will not accept Trumps loss in 2020, and Walz basically pointed to that and said “and there you have it”

  3. NoPreparationss on

    MAGA say they won, why? Because their candidate can lie and talk BS with confidence but cries when getting fact checked.

    The rot is deep in their brains from top down with the Republicans.

  4. royhenderson771 on

    Vance didn’t answer a single question and on several occasions left time on the clock. When asked again to answer, he still wouldn’t. 

  5. All I heard from Vance was “she’s had 3 and a half years..” repeatedly. Dude, your guy was the actual President for four years and did sweet FA.

  6. Hungry_Charity_6668 on

    Vance did much better than I expected. He was always the wild card, and the fact that he even kept up with Walz is good for him.

    I do wonder how the base feels about him agreeing with Walz so much

    Edited for grammar

  7. Here’s what I learned from tonight’s vice presidential debate.

    JD Vance has no idea of the job duties and requirements of the vice president of the US.

    He kept blaming and accusing Harris’ policies for everything from the failed immigration bill to the economy.

    That’s the president’s job, not the VP’s job. They take orders from the prez.

  8. Strangeatinghabits on

    There’s certain issues I agree with Vance on but as a person I don’t think he’s the best candidate.
    Waltz seems more personal and more focused on the American people. I love how they interacted with each other and their families. While both have their differences in glad to see a actual debate and not a golf argument. It was very civil and refreshing. I personally will support blue in November 💙🦋.

  9. butterflybuell on

    They’re both good speakers. Better than the presidential debate participants.

    Vance was fishing and vague in many remarks. Dodging the actual answers people are looking for.

    Walz, on the other hand, answered the questions with substance. He didn’t briefly change the subject and submit a vague or non-answer like Vance did.

  10. frankthefunkasaurus on

    It’s sort of funny how it seems that the normality of the the debate and Vance (whilst still lying through his teeth constantly) seeming less strange sort of emphasises the Trump shitshow. Even Vance ‘winning’ in political sports analysis wouldn’t mean anything because Trump is a lunatic and unfit for office and the more normal tone of the debate shows it.

  11. Watched the whole thing. Walz had a nervous start but got better and better. Vance was lying a fair bit, but he did it with confidence. Vance looked a bit sharper overall.

    It was a good and boring debate. Nothing that will really change anything. I do think at the very end, the last minute when Walz asked Vance about who won the election was the tipping point and made Walz the winner of the debate. Without that, I probably would have said that Vance got a tiny victory performance wise. But if you consider the lies and misleading from both sides, Walz won.

  12. After 10 long years of watching trump and other MAGA turds sling the most vile shit, literal Nazi propaganda in some cases… I actually caught myself briefly appreciating the civility of the debate and had to remind myself that this isn’t one of those debates of old, where while they may disagree on policy particulars, they at least had the county’s best interest at heart. No, this is a fundamental difference between democracy and authoritarianism. One candidate would not commit to the peaceful transfer of power AGAIN.

    Don’t be fooled by any faux-pleasantries, this is not some return to normal, it will be decades before we get back to where we were.. probably via rank choice voting to be honest.

  13. Only moment you need to see is the Walz knockout blow when Vance couldn’t say that Trump lost election.

  14. I don’t care what political stands you have but one has to agree, that was an actual debate! Not a shit show we witness on previous two times

  15. Adventurous_Boss_656 on

    This is the most midwestern debate ever nationally televised, as a midwesterner myself.

  16. I had no idea Vance required so much government assistance growing up. Isn’t he in the wrong party?

  17. Awful debate especially some questions from the moderators. Worst was when they were trying to both sides candidates past statements trying to make Waltz misremembering being in China in the 80s vs Vance pivoting from hating trump to loving him was absurd.

    And I hate how the Republican media machine has won the narrative on the migrant issue where these debates are legitimatizing their immigrant fear mongering and letting Vance say so many lies and just constantly throwing out the term illegal aliens

  18. in prime time, Vance intentionally lied through his teeth about established facts, spewed racist bile and co-signed violent govt. takeover

    In response, the 4th estate ppl are going to “debate” a winner on every platform in order to sell ad space this week. that’s where we are.

  19. I’ve heard a lot of people I know complain about this debate, but I actually really thought it was a great debate, and as much as I don’t don’t like JD Vance or his rhetoric and ideas, I need to give both him and Governor Walz props for having a non dramatic, mostly respectful debate. They exchanged their ideas civilly for the most part, agreed with each other in certain points, and even showed each other compassion and empathy in certain points. Reminds me of the no nonsense debates that used to be normal until recent memory, and I feel like this type of discourse is a much more refreshing and healthy direction for our nation. It’s how we get not only our politicians to work together more, but our own people as well.

  20. This debate actually made me terrified for when Vance inevitably runs for President. Side note, it was really heart warming that Walz kept referring to his state—you can tell he really cares for it and his constituents—whereas Vance hardly mentioned Ohio.

  21. How are “25 million” undocumented immigrants obtaining mortgages for these homes, while someone with a $100k salary can’t? How are they competing with US citizens? The whole argument is absurd!

  22. My general takeaway is it highlighted how batshit crazy TRUMP’s answers are and how unprepared he is for even the most basic questions.

  23. My biggest take away was when Walz explained how “green energy” solutions could make America independent on energy and also innovators on a global scale and JD rebutted with some gas nuthugging bs and then said “we need to focus on making America more energy independent” but his opposition left a whole plan on the table and he had nothing other than keep doing what we are doing.

  24. fruitlessideas on

    People are crapping on these two guys from both parties, but honestly?

    This is the first debate in awhile I’ve seen that didn’t leave me embarrassed and actually felt like it had some class in it. Like the romanticized version of America we think of pre-9/11. Kind of made me think these two should be running for President of their respective parties instead of what we currently have.

  25. Vance proved he will be a yes man for Trump to subvert democracy when they both lose.

    Idk why this isn’t the biggest take away or biggest issue of the election. Everything else is secondary.

    fas•cism fas•cism | ‘faSH,iz(e)m |
    (also Fascism)
    an authoritarian and nationalistic *right-wing* system of government and social organization.
    • derogatory extremely authoritarian, intolerant, or oppressive ideas or behavior: an outright ban is just fascism.
    • [with modifier] very intolerant or domineering views or practices in a particular area: this is yet another example of health fascism in action.
    The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922-43); the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach.

  26. The name not spoken, even by Vance: *Biden*.

    Was that deliberate or just how things are done these days…not ‘Biden/Harris’, just ‘Harris’?

  27. TheBiggestLarryEver on

    Vance worked very hard to present himself as normal, rational guy and I think he did so successfully despite my fundamental disagreements with him on most every topic laid out tonight. But in a strange way, I don’t think that’s good for his ticket.

    Every time he behaved/spoke in a civil manner, it reminded me of pre-trump-era politics and just made his boss look that much crazier. That “breath of fresh air” people have been referencing wouldn’t be apparent if not for the dark cloud of toxicity that trump has been flatulating into our political climate for the past 9 years

  28. PretentiousPanda on

    Can someone. Just one time say what a VP does? They don’t have power of executive action. 

  29. The left is saying their guy won and the right is saying their guy won so more of the same and I don’t think it really changes anyone’s mind on things. Both sides did exactly that was expected, Walz school shooter comment and facial expressions were the highlights and will end up being memes but that’s about all we got out of this.

  30. BasicPerson23 on

    The way Vance talked, Biden has never been president. He blames Kamala for everything Biden did. Does he not understand that VP is basically a figurehead? That the POTUS makes the decisions.

    Does he give Pence credit/blame for everything that happened when he was VP?

    Does Vance think he will have ANY say in the administration’s policies if he/Trump are elected?

  31. hockeynoticehockey on

    Neither of them lost tonight, but nothing decisive enough to move the needle.

  32. Jolly_Grocery329 on

    Ignoring the fact that one candidate stood up there and lied all night. I hate the media

  33. WizardOfThePolarBear on

    Vance and Walz should be the presidential candidates lol. They agreed with each other on multiple points and made it look like Trump and Kamala are the actual problems. They had no beef with each other.

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