Filmed this outside our plane window, after this we could see all the impacts live on CNN during the flight. After this sighting all other airtraffic turned around or got rerouted.

Source: terschelling1


  1. Additional-Ad7193 on

    Can you tell which flight number?
    Only Emirates flies over Iran to my knowledge.

  2. What’s happening to some of them, there seems to be a rain of stuff at 0:10, and an engine seems to go out at 0:20. This is above Iran so we shouldn’t be seeing interceptions yet. Or maybe that’s much farther away, like many hundreds of km? I’m not sure that would be visible.

  3. kutsocialmedia on

    Ik kan me voorstellen dat je daarna wel even een strandjutter borreltje kon gebruiken.

  4. When_Protesters_Stri on

    I wonder whether the US take civilian flights into consideration when they shoot at those rockets.

  5. Primary-Ad-9857 on

    I’d be sweating my balls off seeing this from a commercial plane.
    Well i never sat in plane before so i might sweat my balls off anyway.

  6. Lurkingdutchman on

    Translation of the woman or kid asking “iets met vuurwerk ofzo?”; “something with fireworks or so?”

    Basically the person was asking if those were fireworks in dutch.

  7. This is an absolutely wild perspective on war. I mean the last thing I’d want to see from a plane is missiles…and this war is awful. But holy crap, what a story.

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