CBS cuts mics after Vance accuses moderators of unfairly fact-checking

Source: Ultravioletdiamond82


  1. They let him ramble for nearly a minute and only cut the mics when Walz started to speak.


  2. Pretend-Return-295 on

    You have to love it when the MAGA creep throws his toys out of the pram when his racist lies get fact checked. xD

  3. Everything is unfair when it’s against Republican liars, didn’t you realize this yet?

  4. They cut both of their mics when Vance wouldn’t shut up despite the moderators cues that he needed to stop talking. They did manage to cut it off just as soon as Walz chimed in.

  5. I’ve had a to take a shot every time JD Vance has said Kamala Harris and I think I might die of alcohol poisoning

  6. FlemmerVermeul on

    They keep letting the Republican candidates run their mouth and speak out of turn but instantly mute the dems when they contest the breaking of the rules. So insane…

  7. OneSeaworthiness7768 on

    Telling the truth is now “unfairly fact checking” jesus christ I can’t with these people

  8. Wow… even if they decide to let Vance have a field day, he still accuses them of fact checking.

  9. Stinkstinkerton on

    Vance is so clearly full of shit it’s staggering.
    Lots of words, nothing but empty garbage.

  10. “Unfairly fact-checking” oh you mean clarifying the truth to the audience is unfair? Unfair to whom?

  11. Fact checking is never unfair lol…maybe you should’ve learnt before you spoke Vance…

  12. **”Facts are stupid things – stubborn things, I should say.”**

    — *Ronald Reagan, speech to the 1988 Republican National Convention, mangling a famous John Adams quote:*

    > Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the states of facts and evidence.

    — *John Adams, second president of the United States (1797-1801), in November 1770 trial defending nine British soldiers who shot and killed five colonists in the March 1770 “Boston Massacre.”*

  13. Remember when he said it was the media’s job to fact check, that he can make up stories and they need to figure out if it’s true? Now they’re calling his bluff and he’s being a whiny bitch.

  14. che-che-chester on

    All politicians lie in small ways to present things in the best light. I compare it to my annual review at work. I don’t “lie” because my manager would call me out, but you might think I run the company by the way I recap my year.

    But Trump and Vance tell black and white, easily disprovable lies. It would be like me bragging to my manager I saved the day on some project when I was on PTO that week. It’s pretty hard to not call out obvious lies. As a moderator, it must feel insulting.

  15. CBS had to really dig deep for that China trip Walz took decades ago… what an embarrassment. THAT’S the most important thing…? Meanwhile JD and his orange master spew misinformation every hour of every day.

  16. It’s not unfair if you’re known for telling hurtful/dangerous lies. It’s called “doing their jobs correctly” or, a better term, integrity.

  17. *”It was my understanding that there would be no math during these debates.”*

    — Chevy Chase playing President Ford in 1976 *Saturday Night Live* parody of Gerald Ford-Jimmy Carter presidential debates

    *”It was my understanding that there would be no facts during this debate.”*

    — Republican vice presidential nominee J. D. Vance, if forced to speak the truth in 15 words or less during tonight’s debate

  18. >Unfairly fact checking

    Maybe if he didn’t lie so much, he wouldn’t have a problem

  19. SolidDistribution542 on

    In a completely apolitical way, JD Vance is an extraordinarily irritating person. He’s the guy you’d leave early or stay late to avoid talk to. The fact that he has reproduced is the most fascinating issue in this election.

  20. SeaNational3797 on

    It’s a perfect tactic. Just fact-check. What’re they going to do, complain about being called out for lying?

  21. Historical-Tough6455 on

    Stop sane washing these maniacs.

    He didnt accuse them of unfairly fact checking.

    He complained about ANY fact checking

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