Labor’s 11th-hour decision on LGBTQ+ census questions prompted weekend scramble, documents reveal

Source: CommonwealthGrant


  1. Soft-Butterfly7532 on

    It didn’t help that before the 11th-hour decision they made a 10th-hour decision to do the opposite, and before that a 9th-hour decision to do the opposite of that, after their 8th-hour decision that the ABS should decide, which clarified their 7th hour decision to do the original thing.

    I’m waiting for the PM to get on the phone to the ABS and say “is it too late to change our mind again??”

  2. PurplePiglett on

    For a very experienced politician Albo does not seem to have very attuned political antennae. His govt has seemed to be out of touch with the public mood consistently during this term.

  3. CommonwealthGrant on

    >Despite senior ministers initially defending the decision as necessary to avoid “divisive” debates

    Thanks to the ALP we get to have the census question AND we’ve avoided a divisive debate.

    In its place we all get to have a debate on the competence of Albo – so that’s an unequivocally good thing that Albo’s done to promote social cohesion.

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