Trump rejects “60 Minutes” interview; Harris accepts

Source: axios


  1. Can you blame him??? This is how he answers questions…

    AUDIENCE QUESTION: Thank you so much for coming to Michigan. My name is Ashley and I work at the Chrysler plant. Like many auto workers, I am deeply concerned about the future of our industry. With many jobs being outsourced as we speak, what action will you take to ensure that our jobs stay in America so we can continue to build the best cars in the world here in Michigan?

    DONALD TRUMP: So, pretty much as we’ve been saying, and what I want to do is I want to be able to — Look, your business — Years ago in this area, I was honored as the man of the year. It was maybe 20 years ago. Oh, and the fake news heard about it. They said, it never happened. It never happened. And I didn’t know who it was. It was a group that honored me as man of the year. The fakers back there, see the fake news. But they said — They said, oh — And they looked and, you know, they said it never happened. But I said, I swear to you, it happened.

    It did happen. I was man of the year. And I came and I made a speech and I said, why do you allow them to take your car business away? Why do you allow it to happen? They’re taking your business away. And I didn’t know too much about it. All I know is they were taking your car industry away from you. They said it never happened.

    And lo and behold, somebody said, I remember the event. And then we found out and we had everything. We got the awards. We had everything. It did happen. But I gave a speech, which at the time was pretty controversial. We can’t let them take your car business away. It’s such an important business.

    And you know it’s an important business even in times of war where they switch over. And it was really something. And I looked at that speech from, I don’t know, it’s like 19, 20 years ago. And I could repeat it now without changing a word.

    You cannot let foreign countries, and a lot of the times our worst foes are our so-called friends, okay? You know, our friends, the European Union takes tremendous advantage of us. As an example, they give us cars by the millions. We don’t have too many Chevrolets in the middle of European cities, okay? European Union is brutal. They don’t take our farm products for the most part. They don’t take a lot. But unlike Kamala, who always complains and doesn’t do anything, I keep saying, why don’t you do?

    I saw Marsha the other day. Why doesn’t she, why didn’t she do it four years ago almost? And I say that, you know, she’s on the border today trying just to, what a day for the border. She goes to the border today, and they just announced just before she got up to speak that more than 13,000 murderers from jail, solitary confinement people in many cases, were released.

    But I just say, let’s go back. So we can’t let them take our businesses. And we’re not gonna let them take our businesses. And you can control that so easily through good policy. Not her kind of policy, by the way. She changed her policy 15 times. No fracking. Oh, I like fracking. Defund the police. She wants to defund the police. Now, oh, I love the police all of a sudden. By the way, when anybody is into defunding the police even for a day during their career, they can no longer serve as President of the United States, I can tell you.

    So we’re not gonna let them take our businesses. And really, a lot of that’s determined by our taxation policy. When China has to pay all that money, the people that liked me the best were the steel companies because I saved them. They were dumping China and others, but mostly China was dumping steel in here at levels that nobody had ever seen before.

    And it was putting the steel companies out of business. I put a 50% and 100% tax on the dumping of steel and the steel companies thrived. I saved them, and you have to have the steel companies. So we’ll do the same thing.

    And you don’t worry about it. Here’s what you have to do. I only ask you to do one thing, and then you can sleep beautifully all night long, go to a job you love, and get a lot of money at the end of the week. You know what the thing is? Vote for Trump. If you vote for Trump, everything’s gonna be perfect.


  2. This is great. Get her in front of big audiences. If the longshoremen strike can be wrapped up within a week, she can make a big push over the last 5 weeks. Also, if Trump doesn’t accept the debate on October 23, make it a town hall.

  3. So he’s not prepared to do interviews where he’s going to be fact checked on his bullshit.

    Fine, let Harris have a prime time audience all to herself then.

    Either way Trump loses.

  4. Very funny how the cult was just screaming and crying that Harris is dodging interviews

  5. >Steven Cheung, the Trump campaign communications director, told Axios: “There were discussions but nothing was ever scheduled or locked in. They insisted on cutting out of the interview to do fact-checking.”

    Welcome to the upside down.

  6. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

    He needs to avoid these interviews.

    If someone starts asking him about policy and he has time to answer, he is screwed. It’s obvious he doesn’t know what he is talking about.

    “You said tariffs will pay for your childcare policy, but you didn’t explain how or what your childcare policy actually is”

    “We’ll take in trillions from China, like no one has seen before, far more than child care costs”

    “But what is your childcare policy Sir”

    “Trillions from China, you know childcare is very important, everyone understands that, trillions and bilions of dollars, never seen before”

    “But Sir, about your ACTUAL childcare policy….”

  7. Now’s who’s refusing to do interviews would be ashamed if the media should started to report this

  8. ThickerSalmon14 on

    His handlers know that he has degraded to the point where he can’t really function. That don’t want that to happen outside of a media channel where they can edit the heck out of it.

  9. They might ask him questions they expect to be answered. All he has left is word salads and insults.

  10. And he’s going to go on and whine about “Why didn’t 60 Minutes interview me?” claiming they never got back to him or something.

  11. Bubbly-Two-3449 on

    Really impressed with Harris’s work ethic. She’s out-rallying and out-interviewing Trump.

  12. Otherwise_Variety719 on

    I say it is long since past time that reporters do their jobs and call out his pointless non-answers.

  13. Sure_Quality5354 on

    Hes running scared and everyone can sense it. He is not capable of running this campaign mentally, physically, emotionally or any other way

  14. City_Of_Champs on

    Of course he did. He’s terrified of being fact checked.

    The only people who aren’t tired of this whiny little person are other whiny little people.

  15. I still really think she needs to do more interviews with nontraditional media with podcasters, YouTubers, TikTokers, etc. to reach “undecided” voters who never watch traditional media anyway. Start by getting her on Hot Ones!

  16. Let’s be clear…Trump accepted initially, and since accepting, he has now drawn out.  

    One week before the interview is supposed to take place. 

    He is so weird.

  17. He didn’t “refuse” an interview with 60 minutes, he backed out of an interview he had already accepted, that’s a big distinction. He’s terrified that playing his idiotic stream of unconscious ramblings next to Harris’s more measured real answers will make him look even worse to those outside the cult

  18. He’s not planning on winning the vote. He’s planning on creating chaos and using the Supreme Court to install him. The coup never ended.

  19. Trump should just drop out and surrender to his cell. He is a coward, unfit to hold office, and overall human garbage.

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