Canada condemns Iran’s strikes on Israel but asks Israel not to retaliate

Source: Difficult-Yam-1347


  1. Alternate title: Country not surrounded on all sides by enemies and has to rely on the world super power to protect them tells jew’s not to defend themselves.

    Seriously, would love to see how Canadians would react to a russian missile salvo striking Toronto, I got a feeling we’d have the US president on the phone REAL fucking fast.

  2. What an utterly stupid statement.

    “These attacks from Iran will only serve to further destabilize the region, and it must stop,” Joly said on Parliament Hill. The latest moves by Israel and Iran are risking an “all-out war” in the Middle East, she said.

    “Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not”

  3. Lost-Mongoose-8962 on

    Jeez Isreal, dont you know theres a Canadian election coming up and we need to play both sides!!! Inconsiderate!

  4. ThatRagingHomo on

    That’s right, Israel, heed the words of the Canadian Government, lay down your weapons and allow yourself to be annihilated by the terrorists.

  5. veni_vidi_vici47 on

    People hold Israel to standards no other country is held to

    This is what happens when politics in your country is so safe and low stakes that you have no concept whatsoever about what it’s like to have to worry about being attacked on all sides by people who want to exterminate you

  6. Canada is a baby nation taken care of by the big boys. We like to pretend we are big players, but really we lost that position long ago. Keep reaching for relevence Canada.

  7. poptartsandmayonaise on

    In the immortal words of chief keef “playin both sides shit that i dont like”

  8. Israel, I am a Canadian and I say give em hell. They have been poking the bear for years. Do what you need to do to protect your people.

  9. Let me guess, the US said it first so now we have given ourselves the green light to say it too. We’re so badass. 

  10. Alright so all you pro palestine tottaly not terrorist simps… I expect to see a reply from each and every one of you condemning Iran and their proxies for indiscriminately trying to bomb civilian targets in Israel now. Literally no strategic military sites targeted. Also a terror attack on a train full of civilians. Because its all about protecting innocent life right?

    This is the fundamental difference between Israel and the surrounding Arabs. Israel is trying to dismantle the military capabilities of the countries trying to kill them.

    The arabs countries are just trying to murder and cause mayhem with no specific goal in mind. If you are looking for intent of genocide… look no further than the groups within Iran, Gaza, Syria, and Jordan.

  11. I’m scratching my head trying to figure out why this government is war mongering in Ukraine, but suddenly has rediscovered our peace keeping roots when it comes to Israel. Could it have anything to do with their politically charged immigration policy? Nah… that’s just a crazy conspiracy theory!

  12. Lopsided_Reason_6072 on

    It is past time for Israel to use their nuclear arsenal and put a permanent end to the terrorism of the islamic republic of iran.

  13. Israel’s been poking every country in their vicinity for decades, funny reading opinions the other way around.

    Run an apartheid state for generations, treat them like trash and murder journalists at will so their shittiess doesn’t come out. Only that they failed to do that and everything’s out there. And they’re worse than terrorists. Still thinking of a word.

    They’ll retaliate with missiles bought with daddy’s money of course. It costs them nothing because there’s an endless supply of it along with sending troops from the lowest rung of society. It’s pathetic.

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