The mayor of Paris has hit the city’s motorists with a double whammy of a ring road speed limit cut to 50kph and a tripling of parking fees for heavy vehicles, such as SUVs

Source: green_flash


  1. Icy-Magician-1954 on

    I wish in DC we had a mayor with as much passion, instead our mayor only cares about keeping drivers happy

  2. vomitHatSteve on

    Well that sounds like a great plan!

    >Nationwide, Ms Hidalgo is unpopular. When she ran for president in 2022, she received only 1.7 per cent of the vote – the worst performance ever for a Socialist Party candidate.

    >However, she claimed plaudits when the Paris Olympic Games were widely hailed as a triumph.

    >Afterwards, she took aim at her detractors in an expletive-laden diatribe, saying in English:  “F— reactionaries, f— the extreme right, f— all those who want to shut us in a war of everyone against everyone.

    Dang! Sounds like she kind of rocks all around

  3. Potential-Current-47 on

    Driving slowly increases cunsomption and thus pollution. It also increases traffic jamais.

  4. I really dislike how large cars are becoming nowadays. Good move on overcharging SUVs in a city with small streets.

  5. She’s awesome. I’m glad the world got to see how much better a true pedestrian-first city feels to be in during the Olympics

  6. Right on. Covid did wonders for Paris, with the addition of so many bike likes and the closing of some (though not enough) areas to cars. As someone who rides a bike as my primary mode of transport in the city, I want waaaay less cars.

  7. The 30kph inside the city is still not enforced afer years because the city doesn’t have the support of the national police. How this will be different? The ring road has more automatic radars, which are still controlled by national police. The higher up of the police are really against these traffic limitations. They refused to put more automatic radar inside the city. The reason is simple, people are incapable to cross the city without losing 3 times their licence.

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