South Korea unveils its most powerful missile, which could reach North Korea’s underground bunkers

Source: Gyro_Armadillo


  1. coffeespeaking on

    > …its most powerful Hyunmoo-5 ballistic missile, which observers say is capable of carrying an 8-ton conventional warhead that can penetrate deep into the earth and destroy underground bunkers in North Korea.

    A metric ton of TNT releases 4.184 gigajoules of energy (10^9).

    For comparison, a 1 kiloton warhead releases 4.184 terajoules (10^12).

    (e: 8-ton conventional warhead is roughly the explosive yield of 16 Tomahawk missiles, at 500 kg each.)

  2. I know the title probably references the destructive capability of the warhead.
    But I still find it funny to imagine a missile that can stop mid-air with a Tom and Jerry screech to open a hatch and then navigate through those tunnels.

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