Affordable rent out of reach for Canadian minimum wage earners nearly everywhere, report finds

Source: hairybeavers


  1. TLDR: A report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) reveals that affordable rent is out of reach for minimum wage earners in nearly all of Canada’s major cities. Only 22 out of almost 800 neighborhoods have average rents affordable for someone earning minimum wage. In cities like Vancouver, Toronto, and Calgary, even two full-time minimum wage workers can’t afford a two-bedroom apartment. Since 2019, the gap between rental costs and minimum wages has worsened. The CCPA suggests rent controls, while landlords argue that more housing supply is needed to address rising costs.

  2. MyButtCriesOnTheLoo on

    I make 60k a year. Well above min wage and I still can’t get approved for rent because that is my only income. 

  3. Prudent_Chicken2135 on

    No… kidding? Get roommates.  Edit: I stand by the statement if you are able bodied in a first world country there is no reason you should be poor. Get more jobs, hustle. Life isn’t fair 

  4. modsaretoddlers on

    Of course it is. Nobody is talking about the fact that minimum wage and salaries in general haven’t come close to matching inflation for years. The richer people think that it’s just “the poors” who aren’t budgeting properly and are lazy. They should simply start their own multi million dollar businesses.

    In any case, salaries are too low and have been for decades. They’re not going to change and the government isn’t going to do anything so I guess we’re stuck waiting for the violence to start.

  5. I make 100 k a year and I can’t afford to live anymore 2900 a month rent is killing me but can’t do anything when no housing when 8 international students they say can share a 2 bedroom for 2500

  6. Begs the question: Should you be able to afford a 1-br on minimum wage? Do we even have enough 1-br apartments available to fulfill this demand?

  7. There is going to have to be rent control at some point. Otherwise, there are going to be as many homeless as housed.

  8. aWittyTwit-2712 on

    Bedrooms = total occupancy, for everyone chiming in on the “Getta-roommate” train.

    You’re being “trained” to accept the unacceptable.

  9. Time for people to consider college and training for specific careers while living with roommates to lower the cost of rent. 

  10. 01000101010110 on

    $60,000 used to be a respectable professional salary. Now you’re basically poor unless your partner also makes at least that amount, and even then you’re not exactly living comfortably. 

    It is so fucking difficult to break out of the $60,000-$80,000 pay range in most industries unless you’re specialized and/or have years of experience. I feel like I have no choice but to look for a more stressful job simply because that pay range is about 60% of what it used to be for purchasing power. 

  11. Immediate_Pension_61 on

    Guys, I don’t mean to be inconsiderate but has minimum wage ever afforded any housing other than rent?

  12. pineconeminecone on

    The report notes that in six cities, *two full time minimum wage earners together can’t afford a two bedroom apartment.*

    Even living with roommates isn’t affordable anymore.

  13. This is literally what Trudeau wanted and worked for. It doesn’t matter what he says. What he does matters.

    And what’s worse, is many provincial governments want it this way too.

    We are screwed by 2 levels of government. It also doesn’t matter if they are right, left or centrist. They don’t care about us or our dignity.

  14. So what happens now? Will the homeless rise up and burn down parliament once they reach sufficient numbers? Cause seems like that’s what it’s gonna take for our politicians to give a fuck.

  15. mikey_likes_it______ on

    Rent control goes out the window when the tenant moves. Plus rent increases can be based off market value, not what the tenant is actually paying.
    IE 2.5% x $1400 market value vs 2.5% x $850 for the rent control unit.

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