Chinese-made EVs are now subject to a 100% tariff. What does this mean for Canadians?

Source: GeoWa


  1. StevenBailey1985 on

    It means North America is falling further behind with EV Technology so we need to tax Chinese products to keep them out of our market. Capitalism for me, but not for thee.

  2. That they’re still cheaper than the “domestic” option which is assembled from Chinese made parts?

  3. ghost_n_the_shell on

    They are more expensive.

    Next up on the CBC:

    The cost of groceries has gone up. What does that mean for Canadians?

  4. Captain-McSizzle on

    This hurts my brain.

    Carbon bad – we’re going to tax you to use less.

    Electric good – we’re going to tax you to use more.

    They really are pushing being poor to save the environment.

  5. it means people with low income are fucked.

    Only the Chinese currently are making cheap cars. Heck even at that tarrif – they are still cheaper than the other options…

  6. I thought this was about getting people into EV’s to save the planet.

    Of course, as always, its about money.

  7. canadianmohawk1 on

    I think it means they want us to make them rich while switching to EV’s rather than, you know, keep them cheap so we buy more and save the planet from supposed “climated change”.

    It really seems that, alone with forcing federal remote workers back into the office, they really don’t believe their own climate change narrative.

  8. Cautious_Pitch_4729 on

    Why are corporations able to benefit from globalization, but not consumers? This only helps a handful of shitty companies who lobbied the government. Meanwhile the government had no problem selling out every other sector to China. But now they want us to “think about the workers”. Right, right.

  9. ShiftyGorillla on

    Not trying to be a shithead here. But even if every single Canadian drove an EV, would that make much of a dent in global air pollution?

    My understanding, perhaps flawed, was that Canada was nowhere near the top of global contributors.

  10. Maybe the legacy auto makers can steal some secrets from China to make better products for consumer?

    Oh, they don’t give a fuck about that and only their investors? Build more trucks I guess…

  11. FourthHorseman45 on

    How about we also implement a few rules that eliminates all government funding going to an employer in the Canadian EV industry that gets charged with a labour violation?

  12. Taxing people for not driving EVs as a green initiative to convince people to buy EVs… except affordable ones will be taxed 100%.

    Political theatre pretending to care about our environment being used to disguise financial intentions.

  13. Prudent_Selection382 on

    No affordable ev in a manipulated controlled market.
    How much graft money changes hands for that one to come down?

  14. The same old Chicken Tax (and that was only 25 percent) to try and force people to buy the oversized, antiquated North American Autos. It’s the American way If you can’t make something the people will buy charge the hell out of what they want so they are forced to buy your product…

  15. China’s economy is struggling, so they are pumping stimulus money into EVs and flooding the international market at a price point that is less the cost of actually making th vehicle itself.

    This does 2 things: 1) kicking the can on china’s economic woes, and 2) destroys legacy car makers who aren’t subsidized by the Chinese government.

  16. Fancy-Ambassador6160 on

    It means fuck you. You know how we’ve been jamming carbon tax down your throat? Well here was a great way to reduce emissions, but we need to protect the big 3s profits, even though they have done nothing in the ev market

  17. We don’t make anything in Canada anymore. All our jobs are retail, fast foods, management.

    Finally we are saying build it here, we’ll pay more.

    Same with saving this stupid Planet.

  18. FilthyWunderCat on

    But like do we really need Chinese EVs? I am coming from a country where Chinese cars flooded the market recently. They are very expensive and garbage on maintenance. From what I’ve heard.

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