Israel says ‘next phase’ beginning in Lebanon, amid global pleas against a ground op

Source: tudiendongvat


  1. Born too late to deploy to the middle east.

    Born too early to deploy to the middle east.

    Born just in time to deploy to the middle east.

  2. Don’t you dare use targeted beeper attack that is extremely specific to Hezbolah operatives.

    Don’t you dare bomb from above to target Hezbolah.

    Don’t you dare go in with troops to target Hezbolah specifically.

    But it’s okay for Hezbolah to keep launching rockets at your civilians.

  3. Why didn’t the world plea when Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets into Israel? Maybe without them rockets Israel wouldn’t have to retaliate??

  4. Israel looks to be clearing the ground in preparation for the wider global conflict that keeps poking its nose above the horizon. From a strategic point of view, if the so-called “Arsenal of Democracy” can’t or won’t help defeat an obvious, war-crime-happy expansionist aggressor then Israel has to take care of itself now. It’s pure pragmatism in light of broken promises. Russia views what it is doing as pragmatic, too.

  5. my_name_is_nobody__ on

    So much death (some of it deserved, some of it not) just to keep a corrupt politician in power

  6. If someone were to ask me, at what level of insanity would you reach just to stay out of Prison. I would use this period right now as an example.

  7. Brilliant_User_7673 on

    Where were the “global pleas against Hamas and Hizbollah rockets into Israel ?

    Funny how everyone ALWAYS wakes up only after Israel had enough and starts reacting.

  8. It kinda hard to predict how terrorist will operate and this was a massive attack much larger than t he scale of 9/11 paid for massively by Iran. Even if you had merit claiming that he was somehow truly guilty of “letting 10/7 happen” or was complicit, he’s certainly making up for that now as he works to ending the existence of every single terrorist group that has laid a finger on Israel. And to those who say this will create MORE terrorists, this time it’s different. It’s an overall response so strategic and potent that it will seem ti sky slowly build these countries toward a re-education a la Germany and Japan eventually ending terrorism towards Israel at least.

  9. Looks like southern Lebanon will be occupied again.

    Israel wants that buffer zone, and no one is coming to save Hezbollah from the reaping.

  10. Anyone who is complaining about this invasion is essentially saying they want to see Hezbollah continue murdering Israelis. That’s what it boils down to. They don’t care when Israelis are murdered. They don’t believe Israelis have a right to defend themselves.

  11. >Lebanese PM: ‘We’re ready to implement UN Resolution 1701’

    If anybody’s wondering, UN Resolution 1701 is:

    >The resolution calls for a full cessation of hostilities between [Israel]( and [Hezbollah](, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon to be replaced by Lebanese and [UNIFIL]( forces deploying to [southern Lebanon](, and the disarmament of armed groups including Hezbollah

    This resolution was made on **11 August 2006**.

  12. StageAboveWater on

    The global community:

    * Did you try a sternly worded letter with a law firm header?

  13. StoneddPandaa on

    Maybe the international pleas should have started 11 months ago when hezbolla started bombing Israel. Even better maybe the international community should do something about the 1701 binding UN resolution that only Israel upheld.

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