Trump Proudly Brags About How He Got Out of Paying Workers Overtime

Source: stark247


  1. Plenty-Speed-8860 on

    When he talks about eliminating taxes on overtime pay, what he means is that the concept of overtime will be eliminated.

  2. This is great!!! When I’m rich and employ people I won’t want to pay them overtime either. Trump is smart.

    – hourly workers, who will never own a business, at Trump rallies, probably

  3. OppositeDifference on

    Trump has been repeatedly and loudly telling everybody exactly who he is for years. I just flat out don’t understand why his voters have instead constructed this “man of the people” image to venerate.

    Trump’s a union busting, wage stealing, worker exploiting criminal.

    He doesn’t care about the help. He doesn’t care about your family, or your health, or anything at all aside from how much money you can make him.

    You could track back along the path of his entire adult life simply by following the human wreckage he leaves behind

  4. Negative_Gravitas on

    Dear hourly wage earners: Trump fucking *loathes* you and would gladly see your families consigned to a state of permanent, crippling debt. You should stop helping him do that.

  5. Trump has loooooong been *known* for ripping off the people he hired to work for him — not paying overtime, not paying some employees (usually contractors/builders) at *all*, etc. He’s a scumbag — for many reasons, but definitely including his refusal to pay employees/contractors properly for their work.

  6. Remember when the media pretended his base are the hard working hourly salaried working class and not a bunch of dentists and personal injury lawyers and car dealers?

  7. Dapper-Percentage-64 on

    Wow saying the quiet part out loud. He used many undocumented employees and probably just never paid overtime . He’s rich for a reason

  8. The mask is off and he can’t control or obscure his worst impulses anymore. He is going to keep shouting his objectionable views as loudly as possible. As a narcissist, he believes whatever he is thinking is the truth and that everyone must agree. If they don’t, it is on them for being too stupid to see the obvious wisdom of his very stable genius.

    As the examples of how flagrantly wrong and out of touch he is continue to build – yelling about pets, suggesting a purge, complaining about flies, bragging about not paying overtime, positioning the person we all saw destroy him in a debate as mentally compromised, etc. – more and more people will finally see him for what he is.

    You can get away with this when it is occasional, but not when it is every time you open your mouth and you look visibly angry in a way that is disconcerting to people as you do it. He is self-destructing and the only way he knows how to solve a problem – keep doing the same thing more aggressively – is going to be his undoing. That is how a political bullet proof vest becomes a straight jacket.

    Narcissists can be very charming when they feel they are in control, but reveal themselves as monsters as it slips out of their grasp.

  9. When Trump tore down Bonwit Taylor so he could build Trump Tower , Trump brought from Poland workers he could pay below rate. And who slept in the construction site so Trump didn’t have to provide apartments. Once Bonwit Taylor had been torn down, they were shipped back to Poland.

  10. The downside of not paying taxes on overtime and tips, you’re not paying into Social Security.

    For Republicans, who want to do away with Social Security and entitlement programs, it’s like a wet dream. The workers themselves are defunding future Social Security payouts.

  11. ringthedoorbelltwice on

    As someone in a public sector union, it’s amazing to me how many members are rabidly pro republican even though they generally support union activity and protections for them. They all think that the traditional concept of Democrats being the party that supports labor and Republicans being anti-labor is a dated concept or that “it doesn’t apply anymore”. This is of course demonstrably false but they’ve convinced themselves that it’s true somehow. I don’t understand it.

  12. The problem is a lot of people will just cheer him on and talk about how smart of a businessman he is… even though they would be the one screwed by him.

  13. ImLikeReallySmart on

    It’s nice when he hedges things with “I shouldn’t say this”, the implication being that there’s a lot of shit even worse that he knows not to say in front of cameras.

  14. Competitive_Heat6805 on

    Trump can’t win without Michigan or Wisconsin or Pennsylvania. He’s stuck at 268 electoral votes without. And that assumes he wins in Georgia and Arizona and North Carolina and Nevada.

  15. Conservative voters: “we want a businessman to run the country like a business”

    Reality: Trump runs a non-public company and he screws over workers, vendors and customers to benefit himself and his family.

  16. gentleman_bronco on

    I genuinely hope Walz grills Vance on this tomorrow night. It should be a constant refrain from him whenever working class issues come up.

  17. I would like to see a full transcript of the rally, all the articles regarding this topic all say the exact same thing and only bring up one line of a speech some context would be greatly appreciated

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