Trump Floats a Plan to End Crime Which Is Basically ‘The Purge’ | “One rough hour—and I mean real rough—the word will get out.”

Source: Murky-Site7468


  1. So they took away his “silence of the lambs” vhs and he ended up finding a dvd of “The Purge”.

  2. Trump runs a campaign of hate. And hatemongers, bigots, and hateful Christian Nationalist all supported him.

    Check your voting status. Be sure to vote this November.

  3. Business_Usual_2201 on

    Says a guy who has never been in a fistfight or been punched in the face. He sure is comfortable expecting other people to be violent on his behalf, though . . .

  4. medievalmachine on

    Typical small minded thug with thug plan. He’s the one destroying our legacy of tolerance, democracy and Christian values.

  5. Acting like he was referring to the “Purge” is more sane-washing.

    What he was describing was absolutely more akin to the “Day of the Rope”, which is so much worse.

  6. The implication here is not about crime, it’s “if you make me president, I will give you a free pass to kill all the democrats and minorities.” It sounds like a huge jerk-off fantasy for lots of insecure males.

  7. IllustriousAmbition9 on

    The word that will get out is who participated, and where they reside. Then the real fun begins. These MAGAs think they’re just going to go out and commit murder, and people will just shrug. These porkers would need to sleep with one eye open for the rest of their (short) lives.

  8. Reviews-From-Me on

    As much as I think Trump is a threat to our country, this isn’t accurate. What he suggested, which is horrible in its own right, would be a short period of time where police would essentially be directed to be as brutal as possible in order to deter crime. What’s even more troubling is that, unlike a “purge” scenario where any crime is legal for 12 hours, there is real world precedence for governments directing police and military to brutalized their own citizens, typically under the guise of protecting the people from something.

    Given Trumps affinity for brutal dictators, his own history of trying to subvert the Constitution for his own power, and his claims of having “absolute immunity” for any crime while in office, his saying that he wants to give our police forces the right to brutalize our citizens is far scarier than any fictional movie.

  9. A private citizen **convicted of thirty four (34) felonies** – ya’ know, *an actual criminal* – is ‘bigly’ suggesting the thing.

    Biff ain’t well… but this is not in the least shocking.

    If he wants it, it *starts* aimed directly at **him**.

  10. astrozombie2012 on

    Fear of punishment isn’t a deterrent to crime. That was one of the first things we learned in Criminology. Crime has more to do with economics and opportunity

  11. Ok, which channel has been airing The Purge recently?
    Someone better limit the channels available to Trump before he watches a WW3 style movie…

  12. Particular-Elk-3923 on

    Google the term, “The day of the rope”. This has Steven Miller’s fingerprints all over this.

  13. Just imagine if Harris said this… . It would be a front page story of the NY Times. Trump says it…..crickets.

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