B.C. has the lowest fertility rate in Canada, StatsCan says

Source: -SuperUserDO


  1. Yet, I’ve been told by BC NDP supporters that BC is the greatest province to live in with the best healthcare system, best economy, best education, best public transportation, etc.

  2. Kids are expensive, and need bedrooms to sleep in. 

    People are broke and can’t afford housing. 

    Updates at 11.

  3. crossplanetriple on

    It`s definitely not because BC is becoming an unaffordable place to live and raise children.

    Nope, definitely not that.

  4. Itchy_Training_88 on

    And one of the highest costs of living in Canada.

    I’d wager that cost of.living has an inverse relationship with fertility rates across rhe country 

  5. Appropriate_Item3001 on

    It’s because people are lazy and selfish. If they didn’t buy thousand dollar phones and avacado toast they could have had a family.

  6. People keep talking about cost of living but the places with the highest fertility rates are all poor. Canada and BC specifically are enormously more wealthy than Chad, Sudan etc. This is a common trend across are wealthy economies and something we have to do a better job of understanding vs just chalking it down to cost of living. I live in BC and can certainly afford more kids but I have no interest in having more than one.

  7. Good to hear.

    Our population has been growing rapidly over the past few decades and it’s going to take some time for our infrastructure to catch up.

  8. We have outsourced baby making. The babies get made in LCOL countries and then come here to work at Tim Hortons and Subway.

    No childcare subsidies, no health care costs, and we get to pick the best and brightest to pour our double doubles.

    The ones we make here will live in our basements until they’re 40. They’ll be complaining to their therapist we did not provide enough social emotional supports for them.

  9. There is a good chunk of listed BC “residents” that don’t really live in Canada. Idk how they would count towards birth rate

  10. This is troubling. Has anyone thought about pumping the cost of living into the stratosphere and giving away free birth control? That might help encourage more people to have families.

  11. gonowbegonewithyou on

    My sister and her new husband are about to have a baby. They make about $250K between them, and they’re the only people I know that can afford a kid (and are still young enough to have one). They’re not doing it in style though. Their condo is about 550sf… that’s what three-quarters of a million get you these days. A broom closet to raise your infant, and crippling debt.

  12. Here’s an idea: Cease income tax for 28-35 year old married couples that have kids.

    Problem solved.

    We keep ignoring biology.
    We keep ignoring the staggering cost of living.
    It’s costs that delay them having children.

    We want employed people (taxpayers) to have children, but all policies keep providing incentives to underemployed people (non-taxpayers) to keep having kids.

    And then we sit back and ask why infertility is so high and why society can’t financially sustain itself anymore. We can’t have nice things because of our backwards policies.

    I’m too old now.
    But I’m OK with paying more taxes so that hardworking, tax paying Canadian families can afford to have more kids. It takes a village.

  13. When your province is populated by geriatric hippies and immigrant crime syndicates it’s to be expected isn’t it?

  14. Even if I didn’t already not want children, the family of 4 living in the 700sq ft unit in my building would be birth control aplenty.

  15. This is the birth rate. Not fertility rate.

    The title of the article implies people are unable to conceive physically. Not that they are unwilling to conceive given their current circumstances.

    I keep seeing articles do this.

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding things in some way. But seems wrong

  16. Consistent_Guide_167 on

    The province with the worst affordability and highest cost of living, has the lowest Fertility rate. Shocking I tell ya.

  17. My husband and I would have kids if we could afford it here. We are both educated with reasonably well paying jobs and there is no way we are having kids with how expensive everything is. We also don’t want to move away from all our friends and family to go have kids with absolutely zero support system somewhere more affordable.
    So we are child free, and likely will stay that way.

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