CERN to expel 500 Russian scientists from November 30

Source: BezugssystemCH1903


  1. BezugssystemCH1903 on


    >__The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is to cut cooperation with 500 scientists affiliated with Russian institutions from November 30. Around 100 have joined non-Russian institutes in order to continue their physics research work with Europe’s particle-physics laboratory.__

    >In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the CERN Council decided in June 2022 to end cooperation with Russia and its ally Belarus. This measure will enter into force on November 30 for Moscow and has already been in force since June 27 for Belarus. The two countries are linked to CERN by agreements lasting five years, and the organisation has decided to terminate them when they expire.

    >Around 500 scientists affiliated to Russian laboratories will no longer be able to collaborate with CERN, as has already been the case for a dozen Belarusian researchers, Arnaud Marsollier, head of the organisation’s press relations, told the Keystone-ATS new agency on Sunday, confirming an earlier report in the journal Nature. Very few of the Russian and Belarusian scientists are based in Geneva, where CERN is located.

    >The exclusion of Russia has resulted in a loss of CHF40 million for the financing of the upgrading of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, which will allow the number of particle collisions to be multiplied by three from 2029. Russian agencies and institutions also contributed 4.5% of the LHC’s experimental budget, a sum that is covered by other members.

    >__Russia’s JINR institute not concerned__

    >However, Russian scientists will be able to continue to work at CERN if they are affiliated with non-Russian institutes. The Council resolution states that its measures “concern relations between CERN and the Russian and (Belarusian) institutes and do not affect relations with scientists of Russian nationality affiliated with other institutes”.

    >The employees of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), located in Doubna, 120 kilometres north of Moscow, were not excluded from expulsion from CERN, which has provoked anger in Kyiv. In 1993, due to the war and a United Nations embargo, CERN suspended all co-operation, exchanges and visits with the Republic of Yugoslavia.

  2. Plenty of time for them to steal more internal information. They should have been gone 2 years ago.

  3. I disagree with it.

    I’m not anti-Ukraine. They’re the good guys in this conflict.

    My point is there’s nothing to be gained from the project which would be a threat to anyone’s security. It’s not like a weapons program or an aircraft program. We’re talking particle study.

    It’s also not like this project benefits the Russian economy. If it was somehow stimulating Russia’s economy in a way which negated the sanctions, I would agree with removing them. This just seems like a detriment to science. It’s not actually helping anyone.

  4. As far as I understand thwy will all continue working there only they’ll work under a new organization.

  5. genuine question, why? it’s discrimination based on their ethnic background/nationality. maybe some of them are dissidents to putin, but are still getting kicked out just because of being russian.

    >However, Russian scientists will be able to continue to work at CERN if they are affiliated with non-Russian institutes. The Council resolution states that its measures “concern relations between CERN and the Russian and (Belarusian) institutes and do not affect relations with scientists of Russian nationality affiliated with other institutes”.

    edit: it now makes sense.

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