Trump urges ‘violent’ police crackdown, insults Harris

Source: No_Fail4267


  1. Remember the violent police crackdown right outside Trump’s White House gates the summer of 2020?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers!

  2. ScoutsterReturns on

    >Criminals, he said, “have to be taught” and this could be done “if you had one really violent day.” “One rough hour — **and I mean real rough** — the word would get out and it would end immediately,” Trump said.” The police aren’t allowed to do their job” because “the liberal left won’t let them.”

    Ah, literally moving into Purge territory. Just one hour where we kill a bunch of people! JFC.

  3. He is telling police to violate the law once again showing the Republican party is not the party of law and order.

  4. Rated_PG-Squirteen on

    The absolute absurdity that this scoundrel says shit like this after summoning an insurrectionist mob of his own cult members to storm the Capitol, assassinate the VP and Speaker of the House, and pummel any police officer who stood in their way.

  5. MaizeNBlueWaffle on

    People keep calling this The Purge, but I think he’s proposing something more like Tiananmen Square. He wants some large spectacle of government sanctioned police violence that scares civilians into being subservient. This is some insanely authoritarian shit

  6. So_spoke_the_wizard on

    Whenever a MAGA supports this. Just say, “Yeah. Like they did at Ruby Ridge. That’s the way to do it.” Watch them lose their shit.

  7. Consider for a moment that Biden wants to roll presidential immunity back, while Trump is screaming that he has full immunity, that everything he does in and out of the presidency is covered by that immunity, and wants police to have a violent day. He’s literally saying these words.

    Fuck this fascist prick.

  8. Just fuck off in to the sun and take all of the goose-stepping boot lickers that are crammed up your grotesque asshole with you, you sick fucking prick. Just go away. Forever. Please. 

  9. Objective_Regret2768 on

    He keeps these violent rhetoric comments up. There will be a lot of people around to world that will want him gone for good.

  10. Gonna go ahead and guess that the one day of violence will coincide with the one day of dictatorship.

    And also that neither will be limited to a day.

  11. TacoStuffingClub on

    Trump, who definitely has never been punched in the face in his soft nerf life, wants criminals to get their ass whipped? Start with his fat ass.

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