Kamala Harris gets new Republican endorsement from critical swing state

Source: BelleAriel


  1. From the article:
    The former senator added: “I believe that we don’t have to agree on every issue or policy, but that we should use the political process created by our Founders to debate and persuade, not disparage and demonize. For all of these reasons, I’ll be supporting Kamala Harris for President and Tim Walz for Vice President. I would encourage all Republicans who feel this way to do the same. After all, in times like these, there is nothing more conservative than putting country over party.”

    Very well said. Trump’s campaign and approach to governing is an affront to the democratic process this country was founded on.

  2. Anti_colonialist on

    It’s crazy watching liberals cheer on their own party shifting further to the right. The DNC is gonna want to keep those endorsements in future elections, so they are gonna keep shifting further to the right to keep them and gain more support while continuing to ignore the needs of their leftish leaning voters.

  3. None of this moves the needle one bit, the dem party is selling out to Cheney republicans for nothing.

  4. Ok_Breakfast4482 on

    Honestly Trump lost AZ years ago with his disgusting treatment of their longtime Senator and favorite son John McCain.

  5. This is massive news..just to show even some republican politicians agree on what kalama is sending..issues snd takes form both sides aside..keep country over parties rolling and take these people who want to cause chaos out

  6. As we see, going full Nazi is taking too far for republicans. They ‘ve been ok with moderate Nazis all that time.

  7. Jeff Flake may be a POS but every Republican that turns away from Trump and endorses Kamela makes it a little bit easier for potential Trump voters to change their mind and vote Harris or just decide not to go and vote for Trump and either of those is a win.

  8. Why Jeff Flake did not run for reelection in AZ in 2018. He, at least has integrity. He must have been very happy AZ went for Biden in 2020.

    Flake in 2017 said, “I am convinced there may not be a place for a Republican like me in the current Republican climate or the current Republican Party.”

    Flake said, “The path that I would have to travel to get the Republican nomination is a path I’m not willing to take, and that I can’t in good conscience take. It would require me to believe in positions I don’t hold on such issues as trade and immigration and it would require me to condone behavior that I cannot condone.”

  9. thereverendpuck on

    Arizonan here. It’s cool to see Jeff Flake pop back up, but he doesn’t have that much swagger in the state. Same with Jon Kyl. The coup would’ve been a McCain endorsement.

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