Trump says mail-in voting is ‘cheating’. MAGA activists are signing up thousands anyway

Source: theindependentonline


  1. So then, once he finds this out that a LOT of MAGA people are doing mail in voting, is he gonna flip out on them?

  2. ResidentKelpien on

    Trump will spew any nonsense he can to offload his responsibility for another loss. MAGA will do anything they can to foist their cult leader onto the majority of voters who do not want him.

  3. I mean, The Donald is all about The Cheating. MAGAts are probably thinking he gave it his seal of approval.

  4. royhenderson771 on

    And how many of them will try to vote twice? Mailed ballot and in person voting. Every accusation by MAGA is a confession.

  5. The thing is, Republicans should want vote by mail. Less chance of sickness, etc preventing a trip to the polls. Also, couples are more likely to herd toward the same candidates on mail-in ballots. Private ballots on Election Day are going to lead to more husband-wife splits.

  6. Remember, Nazis vote…. and they have already held too much of your lives hostage and wasted too much of your future.

    You can, however, tell Nazis to fuck off with your vote. You can make sure that Trump has plenty of free time to deal with his dozens and dozens of felony convictions and indictments.

    Never has your vote had such immediate and visible power.

    So vote.

  7. If mail in voting was in his favor, he would be toughing it as the best thing. He only cries about things that might hurt him.

  8. The funny part is that the GOP rode to power in Ohio and Florida on absentee/mail-in voting so they could get the old fart vote (like me, only I vote Dem). It only became “bad” when young people and brown people began mail-in voting in the pandemic (and Trump lost).

  9. He knows that it’s much harder for MAGA nut jobs to intimidate people when they aren’t going to actual polling locations.

    But above all else, he knows that the fewer people getting the chance to vote only helps republicans. 

  10. The New Right are trying to discredit elections as a whole. Their orange sock puppet ranting about mail in ballots serves their purposes. They plan on seizing power in front of the SCOTUS when Trump loses. They have their guy in at VP.

  11. A smarter candidate would encourage more mail-in voting on the predication that this would earn them votes.

  12. To be honest, we want Republicans/MAGA to vote by mail. This would prevent Louis DeJoy from fucking with the postal system and that benefits everyone else.

  13. I just got a piece of mail telling me to make sure I mail in my vote for Trump ASAP. It even had a tweet stamped on it from almost a year ago of him saying mail in ballots were the best. It’s almost as if everything about this man is a lie.

  14. And how about storming the capitol to delay the certification of an election so false electors could overturn the results of said election?

    Would that be considered cheating?

  15. I had this argument with some trump humpers at my workplace. Asked if the disabled, the deployed, or those who are unable to otherwise physically make it to a polling location are not entitled the same rights as other American citizens. Some states only have certain reasons you can vote absentee.

    Their answer was that the polling should come to them. But in the same breath they don’t want their tax dollars going here or there.

  16. I predict another Red Mirage.

    This time, Biden’s in charge, and he has immunity to do whatever he wants. Thank you, Conservative Supreme Court.

  17. In Florida they encourage Republican Snowbirds to register as Resident Voters, while making sure that their actual home state does not find out, so they can vote by mail in one state, and in person in the other.

  18. Makes perfect sense to me. The entire world knows that “The Donald” is a prolific liar and cheater.

    I believe that he is trying to lay groundwork for protesting his imminent loss of the election, while his campaign is trying to at least put in the work so that on the surface, it will look “close” when the votes are tallied.

    And to obfuscate that their entire game plan is to cheat and then cry foul when the dust settles and they have lost.

  19. Nicole_Darkmoon on

    It’s not cheating if *they* do it because they simply have no choice and must resort to desperate measures to fight the cheating dems. god I should have invested in movie theater with so much projection going on these days.

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