General Staff: Russia has lost 651,810 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022

Source: BothZookeepergame612


  1. BothZookeepergame612 on

    How much more bloodshed will Putin force his people to endure, for his sadistic lust for dominance over Ukraine.
    He has brought horrific pain and suffering to so many on both sides.

  2. Left-Combination1481 on

    Russian military never managed to change itself into professional like US did and it shows in absurdly high loss of its soldiers (cannon fodder).

  3. For context, the Chechen wars were considered very bloody, and both wars combined weren’t nearly as disastrous for Russia as the Ukraine war is so far.

  4. Illustrious-Run-1209 on

    I wouldn’t trust the source. Actually, there is not a proper source because we have two sides with two kinds of propaganda. If Russia lost so enormous amount of people they would start new mobilization

  5. Adding some context as people are questioning the numbers. This news source appears to be using “casualties” which is the total number of deaths and injuries combined. Modern battlefield is usually 10 to 1 ratio of killed to injured so maybe 65,000 ish dead? Thats speculation on my part though and could be much higher (quick google shows some think deaths are well north of 100,000) due to brutal nature of drone warfare and Russia’s propensity to use untrained and under armed troops as cannon fodder.

  6. Putin has illegally invaded the sovereign democracy of the Ukraine, and sent swarms of poorly educated “soldiers” against the Modern Western NATO Weapons. It’s a human tragedy. Putler needs to leave the Ukraine asap and we need to stop Orange Traitor from getting elected.

  7. I_steal_packages on

    I’m sorry but the side that said only 31k soldiers died in 2 years has no credibility to state how many soldiers russia lost

  8. onceinawhile222 on

    What a terrible tragedy. Shows had bad military advice leads to failure. Guess they didn’t dance in the streets when the Russians showed up.

  9. Alternative_Win_6629 on

    This number is staggering. Absolutely should blow the mind of every Russian. Including their lord and master, hopefully literally.

  10. What is funny is that the RF society as a whole does not feel it. First of all, this is due to total propaganda and blocking of all resources except for those under control (even YouTube is blocked), and secondly – terms higher than for brutal murder for any information that differs from propaganda. As a result, the death of each individual person is perceived as a problem of one particular family, and the latter is often not even written about in the local newspaper. And all together… It does not add up in society, because there is no society as such.

  11. Gee, for how big and powerful the Russian army is supposed to be that number seems incredibly high.

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