Trump Calls Harris ‘Mentally Disabled’ in Latest Anti-Migrant Rally Rant |
The former president claimed areas of the Midwest are being “occupied” by migrants with “MK-47s”

Source: Murky-Site7468


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  2. I think the specific context of his statement is important. He is calling her mentally disabled because he tanked the Republican border bill, proving he hates our country and doesn’t actually give a shit about the border.

    This is legitimately why he is calling her mentally disabled – because of what he did.

  3. Well, I would do that. And we’re sitting down – you know, I was somebody – we had – Sen. Marco Rubio and my daughter Ivanka were so impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue.

    But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that – because, look, child care is child care. It’s – couldn’t – you know, it’s something – you have to have it. In this country, you have to have it.

    But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to, but they’ll get used to it very quickly – and it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country.

    Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including child care. That – it’s going to take care – we’re going to have – I – I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country.

    Because I have to say with child care – I want to stay with child care – but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’m talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just – that I just told you about.

    We’re going to be taking in trillions of dollars. And as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s, relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we’ll be taking in.

    We’re going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people, but we’re going to take care of our country first. This is about America first, it’s about Make America Great Again. We have to do it because right now we’re a failing nation. So we’ll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question.

  4. ResidentKelpien on

    Any harm to immigrants that results from Donnie’s scare mongering rhetoric is the fault of the Republican Party.

    After all, they are solely responsible for the ranting candidate they have pushed on America again.

  5. Pure projection. I’m sure it’s terrifying seeing your already limited brain power slip away from dementia but it’s comical to project so much. He needs to be in a home not running for president.

  6. Trump is, as usual, projecting thought the projector light is growing dimmer by the day.

    By the way – the hell is an MK-47?

  7. You think if migrants had AK 47’s they would have stayed in their homeland and fought poverty and oppression. Instead they came to do battle with the strongest country in the world. I don’t get it.

  8. Machiavvelli3060 on

    If she is so mentally disabled, then how did she beat him so easily at the debate?

    And if immigrants have MK-47s, that’s the Republicans’ fault for letting gun ownership run wild in this country.

  9. AUDIENCE QUESTION: Thank you so much for coming to Michigan. My name is Ashley and I work at the Chrysler plant. Like many auto workers, I am deeply concerned about the future of our industry. With many jobs being outsourced as we speak, what action will you take to ensure that our jobs stay in America so we can continue to build the best cars in the world here in Michigan?

    DONALD TRUMP: So, pretty much as we’ve been saying, and what I want to do is I want to be able to — Look, your business — Years ago in this area, I was honored as the man of the year. It was maybe 20 years ago. Oh, and the fake news heard about it. They said, it never happened. It never happened. And I didn’t know who it was. It was a group that honored me as man of the year. The fakers back there, see the fake news. But they said — They said, oh — And they looked and, you know, they said it never happened. But I said, I swear to you, it happened.

    It did happen. I was man of the year. And I came and I made a speech and I said, why do you allow them to take your car business away? Why do you allow it to happen? They’re taking your business away. And I didn’t know too much about it. All I know is they were taking your car industry away from you. They said it never happened.

    And lo and behold, somebody said, I remember the event. And then we found out and we had everything. We got the awards. We had everything. It did happen. But I gave a speech, which at the time was pretty controversial. We can’t let them take your car business away. It’s such an important business.

    And you know it’s an important business even in times of war where they switch over. And it was really something. And I looked at that speech from, I don’t know, it’s like 19, 20 years ago. And I could repeat it now without changing a word.

    You cannot let foreign countries, and a lot of the times our worst foes are our so-called friends, okay? You know, our friends, the European Union takes tremendous advantage of us. As an example, they give us cars by the millions. We don’t have too many Chevrolets in the middle of European cities, okay? European Union is brutal. They don’t take our farm products for the most part. They don’t take a lot. But unlike Kamala, who always complains and doesn’t do anything, I keep saying, why don’t you do?

    I saw Marsha the other day. Why doesn’t she, why didn’t she do it four years ago almost? And I say that, you know, she’s on the border today trying just to, what a day for the border. She goes to the border today, and they just announced just before she got up to speak that more than 13,000 murderers from jail, solitary confinement people in many cases, were released.

    But I just say, let’s go back. So we can’t let them take our businesses. And we’re not gonna let them take our businesses. And you can control that so easily through good policy. Not her kind of policy, by the way. She changed her policy 15 times. No fracking. Oh, I like fracking. Defund the police. She wants to defund the police. Now, oh, I love the police all of a sudden. By the way, when anybody is into defunding the police even for a day during their career, they can no longer serve as President of the United States, I can tell you.

    So we’re not gonna let them take our businesses. And really, a lot of that’s determined by our taxation policy. When China has to pay all that money, the people that liked me the best were the steel companies because I saved them. They were dumping China and others, but mostly China was dumping steel in here at levels that nobody had ever seen before.

    And it was putting the steel companies out of business. I put a 50% and 100% tax on the dumping of steel and the steel companies thrived. I saved them, and you have to have the steel companies. So we’ll do the same thing.

    And you don’t worry about it. Here’s what you have to do. I only ask you to do one thing, and then you can sleep beautifully all night long, go to a job you love, and get a lot of money at the end of the week. You know what the thing is? Vote for Trump. If you vote for Trump, everything’s gonna be perfect.

  10. I see Mr. Pot is back at it. I suppose when you have no real policy proposals you resort to fear mongering and childish insults. Time for us to retire this act.

  11. Trump may have accidentally told a truth: “We have the some of the greatest terrorists in the world, in our country right now,” since Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, El Chapo and others are in fact in the US – in prison. These terrorists have been responsible for the deaths of thousands- so like a stopped clock, Trump managed to get one statement right – the context was a complete lie, but we have come to expect that.

  12. So what does that say about trump since Harris smoked him during the debate and is now afraid to debate her again?

  13. Due-Environment-9774 on

    I’ve lived in the Midwest for nearly 30 years. The only people that are occupying areas with firearms are white people. Maybe don’t tell lies that are easily disproven just by looking around.

  14. Any time trump starts criticizing someone I always assume he is talking about his own deficiencies. It’s not even conscious anymore.

  15. I saw parts of that rally on YouTube. It was totally bonkers. IDK how anyone could still think that Trump is fit to be president after that one. He also looked very old and tired.

  16. If “areas” (As usual he declines to specify where in the Midwest) were being “occupied” by anyone, it would be all over the news.

    This bullshit is right up there with “Migrant caravans are coming from Mexico!” scare tactic.

    Old, worn out, racist attacks are all he has left in his arsenal. He’s losing his mind, and Republicans don’t care if he is. They only care about winning. Party over country every single time.

  17. I didnt realize we had that many Mortal Kombats at this point, but im not sure why I care theyvare playing video games.

  18. Effective-Space6171 on

    If you remember that every insult that Trump throws at someone else is actually a confession of his own character, this makes a lot of sense.

  19. But, I thought it was good for people to on assault rifles…is it because they are brown?

    It’s because they’re brown, isn’t it?

  20. 1nGirum1musNocte on

    Oh boy I’m ready for all the ammosexuals to jump all over him for saying MK-47 like they would anyone else for calling a semi automatic rifle an assault rifle… Wait… Whats that? Crickets?

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