Opinion: Support for Trump overlooks and dismisses sexual abuse | It is astonishing how many citizens and neighbors are willing to make allowances for the presidential candidate’s depraved behavior.

Source: plz-let-me-in


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  2. All these trump voters try to complain about criminal immigrants but they’re perfectly happy to vote a criminal sex offender and 34 time felon with many more cases currently on trial into the white house.

  3. I put MAGAts in the same bucket as anti-vaxxers.

    And associate with them as little as humanly possible.

  4. I appreciate this author and article, but honestly this needs to be published somewhere much bigger than Portland Press Herald.

    Astonishing that this is not one of the top headlines across mainstream outlets.

  5. This is surely the number one mystery about the popularity of Trump – a man who has a long history of sexual misconduct.

    What sort of message does turning a blind eye to his sex offences send to young boys growing up who might think it’s therefore OK to mistreat women? After all, it can’t be that serious because look where it’s got Trump – into the White House for a second time.

    And what sort of message does turning a blind eye to his sex offences send to young girls growing up who find themselves in a world where it is no longer considered a big deal for a man to sexually abuse a woman?

    And that’s even before we get onto the topic of his relentless lying and the fact that he is a convicted felon.

  6. In some distant future they’ll deny they supported him, because they’re fucking cowards with no strength in their convictions.

  7. Because they don’t believe it. I work with a supporter and every single bad thing trump has ever done didn’t happen. Point out trump tried to raise money for J6ers and he can hold in his head the idea trump was raising money for patriots and it was antifa that did j6 at the same time

  8. gentleman_bronco on

    It’s amazing how many *christians*, overlook the abuse, assault, adultery, fraud, lies, and blasphemy.

  9. Ignorant RW voters deliberately ignore the immoral, unethical, and criminal character/behavior of Trump and just want to focus exclusively on the economy and the border.

    GQP lawmakers just want to stay in power, and they want Trump to win, so all they talk about are these two issues, too. *”Trump would win easily if he just stayed on these two issues.”*

    A jury unanimously ruled that Trump raped EJ Carroll! If that’s not enough, he also led a riot on J6. He was impeached twice; he faces many serious felonies, including espionage. He was recently convicted on 34 felonies and is facing sentencing for those crimes, and he’s a lifelong criminal.

    There are a lot of things we don’t know about Trump, like accepting bribes from foreign leaders; selling pardons; violating emoluments clauses, etc., but we know for certain that he has a long criminal, immoral, and unethical history that disqualifies him from holding the highest office.

  10. – lol…his supporters are all tied to him as they lack the morals and share the racism and hate….no different now than in 1920s Nazi Germany except our silent majority will have final say in November just like they did in 2018, 2020 and 2022

  11. nah. Nothing to do whit that: it’s the racism against the brown , they want the privileges for the white only, and jobs with benefits for the white only. what “overlook”? they know EXACTLY why they support a racist! EXACTLY. Black back in slavery and brown out of the country.

  12. tinyhorsesinmytea on

    If the shoe were on the other foot and the Democratic Party kept nominating some Loony Tunes ass dirtbag criminal mother fucker while the Republicans had some reasonable, morally decent candidate like Romney, McCain, etc., you bet your ass I’d vote for the Republican until the Democratic Party either got their shit sorted or was replaced (and preferably the latter since there’s really no coming back from some of this reprehensible shit). I don’t understand why these people can’t do the same.

  13. They have, for a long time, held literally everyone else to a different standard than *their own kind*. They excuse violence rape and even child exploitation if its maga but make up imaginary crimes against you if you are anything or anyone else

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