Thousands gather in city centres in show of solidarity for Gaza and Lebanon, amid increased violence in Middle East

Source: NapoleonBonerParty


  1. It’s all performative, at least some of this lot are aware too. Credit given when due, they’re not all idiots.

    “Protester Liz Ralph said she was “just horrified” by the events in Gaza and Lebanon, and felt powerless to help.”

    You’re right Liz you’re powerless to help. Better stay out of it and use your time more constructively.

    To think our dopey, low competence PM had the audacity to lecture Israel on how best to achieve peace. I think they know what they’re doing as shown by how decisively they’ve dismantled Hezbollah. They don’t need advice from a PM who can’t even figure out a way to manage his own country as evidenced by the COL crisis, open borders and policy failures like the Voice.

  2. Perhaps the terrorists shouldn’t have started a war with a competent country if they didn’t want to have missiles put through their roofs?

  3. Should show solidarity by going there, jump in front of a few missiles. Be about as productive as this

  4. I’m horrified by what Israel is doing in the West Bank, so if they have Pan-Arab/Palestine flags then fine. But holding up banners of that murderous, vile terrorist Nasrallah? No, fuck off back home.

  5. And as usual the other subreddit is just banning posts of this and pretending it didn’t happen.

    It’s like half of Australians love censorship and being told what to think

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