Kari Lake ‘drove a stake’ through her campaign. Somewhere, McCain is laughing

Source: polymute


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  2. How many ounces of makeup do you think the Lake Monster plasters on her dome every morning she stirs awake from her watery, shithole dungeon.

  3. Don’t get cocky. While there’s a good possibility that both Lake and Robinson could harm Trump and some Down Ballot candidates in their two states, it’s also possible that they can ride his coattails to victory despite being deeply unpopular, which is what Rafael Cruz and Rick Scott are going to do in Texas and Florida.

  4. Blame the voters who support it. People like her are all over the place, but it’s voters who help them advance.

  5. Here is hoping this horror movie Weather girl will lose BADLY, but I must confess I have NO faith in the masses of Arizona.

  6. ThickerSalmon14 on

    Gen X likes her? Why? We like to be forgotten and to do our own thing. She is a firebrand and gets right up in peoples faces. Very not Gen X. Anyone know why she has Gen X support?

  7. She illustrates the fundamental flaw in the approach of all the MAGA’s: the whole focus is on resentment and looking backwards. We are in the 21st century and the MAGA people not only have no vision or plan for dealing with the future but they are all throwing temper tantrums that the country won’t go back to a fictional mid 20th century dream.

  8. whatlineisitanyway on

    Crazy that Lake and Robinson are getting crushed, but that people won’t vote for them, but think yeah Trump is way different than them I’ll vote for him.

  9. Seems like MAGA is being seen by more people as extremists.

    I wonder if a 3rd party will emerge to cover the gap between center and right and leave the far, far right to MAGA.

    Or even MAGA fades and the traditional GOP returns.

    Probably status quo until Trump dies or is severely incapacitated.

  10. It would just make sense to roll these upcoming election fraud allegations in with the 2022 suits since they’ll use the same nonexistent “evidence”.

  11. Turbulent_Raccoon865 on

    MAGA really brought in a batch of politically inept, ignorant losers. It’s gotta be the jokiest political movement ever.

  12. Wow! How rusted can a rusted on republican voter rust?

    If someone worked out a way to flip the rusted minds of the evangelicals, the republican party would no longer exist.

  13. The maga wing of the gop must be defeated in all races. The media needs to do its job and live fact check these kooks any time they speak!

  14. Remember when she was at the ND @ TAMU game for some reason? Like…. why? That’s when I was certain she was cooked.

  15. She has to be trolling at this point, because she’s liked even less than Ted Cruz and that’s hard to accomplish.

  16. Arizona republicans, remember this when you go to vote in November:

    [Kari Lake to McCain Supporters: “Get The Hell Out”](https://azdem.org/kari-lake-to-mccain-supporters-get-the-hell-out/)

    >Lake previously told McCain supporters to “get the hell out” of her event and claimed that Senator McCain was “reaching up from the grave trying to keep power in Arizona.”

    Kari Lake hates you and wants you out of the MAGA cult.

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