Kyle Rittenhouse texts pledging to ‘murder’ shoplifters disillusion his ex-spokesperson

Source: BonnieMcMurray


  1. Gee, I don’t know, I feel like this might have been relevant information **during his trial for murder**.

  2. idk why but this column in particular made me reflect on the ignorant self-righteousness of killing to curb theft and vandalism. YOU’RE DOING THE BIGGER SIN HOMEY

  3. Original_Bet_9302 on

    Is he old enough to vote?

    Doesn’t matter he should not be allowed to vote, for killing people. And being a MAGAt

  4. Mark my words, before the end of his life, Rittenhouse is going to end up doing a lot of prison time.

  5. MaximumManagement765 on

    One of the biggest miscarriages of justice in American history. Far right extremest who wanted to murder people so badly he travelled across the country with his beloved assault rifle. This guy should be afraid to show his face in public.

  6. Poor kid. He needed to get help for his anger issues, racism, and hero complex. He didn’t need to be made into a GOP poster boy any more than he needed a hole in the head.

  7. He had the red carpet rolled out to be the next right wing celebrity, but was *clearly* way, way too stupid to be able to be managed by an agency.

  8. Citizen_Lunkhead on

    There’s a reason why retail companies tell their employees to not engage with shoplifters. All of the products are insured and it’s much easier to lose a few dollars worth of items versus having to pay out workers comp to someone who gets injured for trying to play hero. If they get killed, then it’s an even bigger scandal for the company.

    I worked for a grocery store for a year and a half and policy was to let management know so that they could roll the cameras back and get information on the shoplifter that way. Not to mention, I wasn’t going to die to save a few bucks for a company that actually stole wages from me. Seriously, I found out that the company was sued for wage theft and lost and since I had left my job, I didn’t have to worry about retaliation for taking the settlement and I got a hundred bucks out of it.

    We also had a security guard on site so if anyone was going to engage it was them because they actually get paid to handle things like that.

  9. Still can’t believe that the right decided to make a dide literally famous for murder one of their spokespeople.

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