WTF is wrong with people in sydney praising this terrorist

Source: Null_F_G


  1. Two_Pickachu_One_Cup on

    Sydney has a large Lebanese population. The majority of Lebanese don’t support this whackjob, but it’s to be expected that a few do and hence you get this.

  2. What’s wrong is that this government just loves importing terrorist sympathisers. Like that time they spent our tax dollars to bring those ISIS brides back to Australia when we should have left them where they were.

    I’d like to say that it’s all part of the leftist plan to break down society, but I might be called a cooker for that

  3. Failed integration of Lebanese civil war refugees + TikTankies and Champagne Socialists

    The first one is also why every police bust looks like it’s of the same dude, and going out in Sydney is a dice role of getting hit in the back of the head. The second and third are downvoting me.

  4. Antisemitism. In order to hate on Jews they’ll praise complete lunatics. A good deal of the Arab world is glad he’s gone because he was oppressing a lot of other Arabs as well. But of course it all comes back to hating Jews.

  5. AnAttemptReason on

    There have been massive protests in Israel over the ongoing war in Gaza, the biggest Union in the country had to be ordered back to work by the courts.

    They want Israel to agree to the peace deal and bring home the hostages. This would also stop the attacks from Hezbollah.

    However the end of the war means the end of Israel’s Prime Ministers career, as he lost massive amounts of confidence and has been found guilty of fraud, bribery and other offences.

    By widening the war into missile strikes and ground invasion of Lebanon, he can maintain his grip on power for longer and work on his next steps.

    The objections are mostly around the large number of Civilian deaths this is causing, all so that one man can keep his grip on power.

  6. This terrorist has for decades talked about the positives of being a martyr and how people should martyr themselves for Hezbollah’s cause. Good to see him finally living up to the ideals he tried to indoctrinate others with.

  7. Askme4musicreccspls on

    This guy did a lot of fucked shit, but freeing Lebanon from Israeli invasion… can you imagine if a country invaded Australia, and a leader rose to stop it, what their legacy would be?

    Its natural that wins a lot of favour from the people who he provided security to. Particularly as his death coincides with terror attacks across Beirut. And the mass massacres of civilians, from a genocidal army that has proven time and time again, in its use of the Dahiya doctrine, that it won’t discriminate between civilians and their ‘enemy’.

  8. I’m waiting for Muslims and Jews to start killing each other here then the government acting surprised when innocent Aussies are killed.

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