Kamala Harris’ Chances Surge in Major Election Forecast

Source: BiggsIDarklighter


  1. Designer_Buy_1650 on

    I think more important than the polling numbers is the trend. Having momentum as the election approaches is a huge positive.

  2. DragonSoundFromMiami on

    That younger people skew towards Harris, registering to vote more, and are less likely to take polling surveys gives me additional hope

  3. there is more than enough time left for her to blow it. and she will because **that’s what Democrats do.**

    hell, Gaza and Lebanon are falling apart & they’re storming embassies now…

  4. Pale-Worldliness7007 on

    This looks great but everyone that is supporting the Democrats NEEDS TO VOTE. Poles mean nothing if people stays home. The victory has to be huge to overcome the fascist’s fuckery that will happen. Stalin said “It doesn’t matter who votes it matters who counts them”

  5. Lalalala I can’t hear you Im still pretending like its my vote that sways it all

    Never forget it came down to 537 votes once

  6. Until a few states throw the election into chaos, get sued, and it winds up at the Supreme Court. You know those corrupt MAGA assholes will hand trump the election on a silver platter.

  7. doingwhaticanfornow on

    Do not let polls make you complacent. Make sure you and everyone you know is registered and vote.

  8. ExtremeThin1334 on

    Apologies, but moving from 1 out of 2 (50%) to 3 out of 5 (60%), a number that she’s been at before, isn’t really a surge when it comes to these types of forecasts. This is especially true when the three big forecasts (SB, 538, and Economist) have been bouncing around a lot, and they shouldn’t be confused with polls (which have also been bouncing around a lot, but at least seem to show a thin but consistent lead for Harris).

    Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather be Harris that Trump right now, but one of the best examples of these models is: imagine you have a bag with 60 black stones and 40 white stones. You get one chance to reach in and grab a random stone. How confident are you that it’s going to be a black stone?

  9. I often go back and watch the clip where she introduces herself and shakes DT’s hands. Such a display of class.

  10. EricThePerplexed on

    Nice positive signs! Let’s use that optimism and confidence to propel more blue donations, more volunteers for the Democrats up and down the ballot, and enthusiastic voting with more friends.

  11. Remember she needs to…

    Run up the score to keep Brown in Ohio
    Run up the score to keep Maryland Blue
    Run up the score to get rid of Cruz

    Beating Trump would be great. Getting the senate and house means she can get shit done, and if she has the hutzpah to get rid of the filibuster really restore our democracy.

  12. Do not trust any poll you see between now and November 5th. They have swung so wildly the last couple of weeks the only poll that matters is the actual vote. Vote like our democracy depends on it. Vote BLUE and let’s flush the Orange Turd permanently to a cell at Rikers for the rest of his natural life.

  13. It feels great but we take nothing for granted. Vote blue all ballot and let’s go forward into our hopeful future with Harris and Walz! 💙👍🇺🇸

  14. Fucking Newsweek. I swear just yesterday they were pushing headlines about Trump surging. Clickbait shit.

    Register. Volunteer. Vote. Screw this game.

  15. Masculine_Dugtrio on

    I’d be shocked if she lost at this point, Trump is shitting the bed, and complaining about small rally sizes.

    To think even two months ago, I thought it was Trump’s election to lose; now it is very much Harris’.

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