Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” paintings vandalized hours after activists sentenced for similar incident

Source: chernchern


  1. avoiding-heartbreak on

    It’s soup, not paint thinners. The point is that museums need to stop “green-washing” oil companies’ money, as they steal the future of the young people being protested for. I’m an art lover and went to art school and I see their point.

  2. Icy-Satisfaction549 on

    I love the statement that a harsh prison sentence won’t stop them.

    People with principles that are prepared for the consequences.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong but believe the soup was used as it wouldn’t cause permanent damage to the art work.

  3. Van Gogh poured his heart, soul & life into his masterful paintings. Even seeing them is an honor & privilege. Whatever cause these horrible women are representing is lost in the darkness of the acts they are committing. Shame on them .

  4. drunky_crowette on

    Can’t we just put a thick as hell plexiglass box around the art and hire an exasperated Van Gogh impersonator or a sad mime or something to squeegee it as-needed?

  5. Can I take a dump in front of these activists houses and say I am protesting my country’s low wages? Would be as relevant as what they did. Salaries here are shit.

  6. LupusDeusMagnus on

    >However, the gold-colored frame suffered $13,000 worth of damage.

    I’m pretty sure they use easily cleanable materials? That conservator will receive the easiest 13k of his life, honestly, pay me 9k and I’ll restore this frame.

  7. What the hell are they trying to prove? Something something oil something is when I stopped reading

  8. These kids need a purpose in life. This attention getting behavior is sad and pathetic. 2 years is not enough. Start sentencing at 20 years and people will stop vandalizing precious works.

  9. Pundidillyumptious on

    Just more crap coming from 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th generation wealthy heirs that hate themselves and have nothing better to do.

    Instead of just being chill and enjoying life, or even actually building something like their ancestors did, they pick a “Social Cause” to make themselves feel human again and stir things up for an adrenaline rush, empathy induced dopamine hit, or because they are sociopaths. To them we are just a fun toy to play with.

    It’s pretty easy to trace the funding for extreme political groups like these(right and left), the donors exist on all sides of the political spectrum.

    But people will keep playing along like lemmings or pawns as it’s always been; even in this information age where it’s all right at our finger tips with minimal effort. All because they want to purchase a new trinket or feel like they belong to a tribe.

  10. justbrowsington on

    Jail + fine to cover the cleanup + fine for being an idiot + community work

    You will see that fixes this idiot problem.

    Also if they glue themselves… leave them there for a day, no food/water nothing. Let them lick glue.

  11. Clickbait headline for the gullible. For the last 50+ years, such valuable paintings have been protected by glass. So what actually was vandalised?

  12. _SheepishPirate_ on

    The more this happens, the more I’m just convinced the fuck heads are being influenced by trolls.

    Get a fucking grip of your lives.

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