Childless GOP Candidate Borrows Family for Weird Photo Shoot

Source: Murky-Site7468


  1. Yeah not WEIRD at all. In fact, those might ‘really’ be his kids…

    Welcome to MAGA, where’s genes and hate make a better tomorrow.

  2. Yes, you’ve all glommed onto the word “weird.” Noted. The GOP might be crooked, dying and ridiculous – but ya’ll need to improve your vocabulary. Can you have your own thoughts about anything?

  3. No. Don’t try to spin it any other way. That is not normal. That never was normal. That will not be normal. That is f_ing weird.

  4. Surely, the voters know all they need to know about this doofus to reject him, right?!
    Oh, no wait! … there is worse yet at the top of the ticket that could well win! Sigh.

  5. Republican Trump – Convicted felon awaiting sentencing, adjudicated rapist, fraud… who owns a company which, itself, is also a convicted criminal… and who flew on Child Rape Express Jet for decades… and threw parties for Jeffrey Epstein instead of turning him in.

    Republcan Vance – If he actually raped a couch, it would be the least creepy thing about him so far. So weak he won’t defend his wife or child against his party’s racist attacks.

    Republican RFK Jr. – Let’s see. Convicted criminal. Apparent rapist (but he apologized, so… ). Claims to have severe brain damage from a worm infestation. Left a dead bear in a park… cut of the head of a whale. Also took multiple trips on Child Rape Express Jet.

    Republican Gaetz – Apparent Child Rapist and Trafficker.

    Republican Johnson – Roped his minor son into 24/7 alerts with links to his father’s favorite porn. Roped his daughter into signing a sex contract with him.

    Republican Robinson – Self-described Black Nazi who says “some people just need killin” and apparently “that guy” who posts on porn sites about his kinks, with a side of loving slavery (for others, not himself).

    Republican Anderson – So embarrassed of his wife and lack of children that he takes campaign photos with his buddy’s wife and family. That’s not weird.

    That can’t be the whole list, **what other creepy Republican weirdo shit has been popping off in the last few months?**

  6. the worst part is his friend that allowed him to take this picture with his family

    and the mother that is using her daughters for a picture like this

  7. Ligmajohnsonforprez on

    Kind of reminds me of when Michael photoshops his head in the family photo in The Office.

  8. AbsurdistWordist on

    Dear Republicans and Conservatives everywhere. I don’t care whether you have a family. It means nothing to me. It says nothing about you as a candidate. In fact, it lets me know that your priority is you and your family and not me and mine. So, I guess thanks for clarifying.

  9. > A spokesman for Anderson criticized The New York Times for focusing on the footage and said that “Derrick’s opponent and every other candidate in America are in similar pictures and video with supporters of all kinds.” The spokesman said the video simply showed Anderson “with female supporters and their kids.”

    See that, everyone? There is a perfectly rational explanation for the photos. I can’t believe you all thought he was cosplaying as a family man. Get your minds out of the gutter.

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