Provinces ducking transit responsibilities, argues Liberal MP

Source: kingbuns2

1 Comment

  1. Provincial governments mostly concern themselves with patronage and degrading public services at this point, and when called out on it resort to nonsense culture war rhetoric. Not a single provincial government from Alberta to Quebec is fit for purpose (possibly Manitoba but honestly not looking great there either). The group of premiers in these provinces are some of the most embarrassing individuals around.

    I understand that the federal Liberals are not well liked, and I believe a some portion of that is fair, but it is so demoralizing to read in the news or places like this sub (ostensibly a place for people who are informed about politics) people continuously griping about things like healthcare and home prices, blaming the federal government, and yet continuing to vote for provincial governments that almost exclusively pursue counter productive policy agendas on those issues.

    We seem to be hellbent on having a country of miserable people in overpriced suburbs who are forced to drive everywhere and wait years to find a family doctor, all because people can’t be arsed to participate in provincial politics.

    Nothing gets me riled up like the sheer volume of crap we not only tolerate, but seemingly encourage, from the provinces.

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