Harris plans to troll Trump over second debate during Alabama football game

Source: fornuis


  1. > The Harris campaign has arranged to have a small plane fly over Tuscaloosa during the game with a banner declaring, “Trump’s Punting on 2nd Debate.”
    > It’s a challenge that won’t just be visible to those cheering on the Crimson Tide or the Georgia Bulldogs from the stands, a campaign official tells CNN. The Harris campaign will also air a national ad during one of the most highly anticipated games of college football where she calls on the former president to meet her on the debate stage one more time.
    > “Winners never back down from a challenge,” the ad’s narrator says. “Champions know it’s any time, any place. But losers, they whine and waffle and take their ball home.”

    This will get under his orange skin.

    Edit: this is the ad: https://youtu.be/YEOVT4DhZC0

  2. Trump actually loves this kind of trolling. His supporters do too. It’s a huge part of what attracted them to Trump in the first place. But I’m sure they’ll cry foul when it’s being done to them. They’re the epitome of “can dish it out but can’t take it”

  3. account_for_yaoi on

    She needs to also keep bringing up how people leave his rallies early. He is still so unbelievably triggered.

  4. Anyone here going to the games or in the vicinity please make videos and post here. I want to see it!

  5. Mcboatface3sghost on

    I’m curious as to what the esteemed Alabama senator “coach” Tommy has to say about this but he’s likely directing undocumented immigrants to clean the debris and the roof tiles off his Florida lawn right now.

  6. Ilikepancakes87 on

    Calling this trolling is missing what it truly is: a power move. Trolls are weak. This is pure strength and confidence. *Real* confidence, not that pussy Trump/Joe Rogan/faux masculinity bullshit they try to pretend is confidence.

  7. Why is trump wasting time going to a college game in Tuscaloosa? I mean I know it’s UGA, but it’s still in Alabama. Walz is at least going to a game in Michigan

  8. I love this kind of this. It’s the same vibe as the Republican playbook but it’s punching up, not down.

    He’s a loser and can’t stand that fact. He thinks he’s the toughest and smartest, but has the thinnest skin. Keep hammering this Harris campaign. He’s a total chicken shit, let him know we all know.

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