Russia proposes ban on child-free lifestyle

Source: BothZookeepergame612


  1. VampireHunterAlex on

    So they’ll force Russian women to be broodmares?

    I think that was a plot point in that Max Brooks ‘World War Z’ book.

  2. Next thing you know they’re going to start monitoring menstrual cycles, outlaw abortion and block access to contraceptives. Oh wait, that’s not Russia, that’s the Republican Party.

  3. _Proposes_? To whom, the Russian people? That’s very unlike Putin’s regime — they usually just straight sign whatever they want, into law.

  4. Incels being taken off suicide watch, they will be assigned their demure Slavic tradwife for breeding any day now

  5. This is the kind or shit electing a Russian paid asset could do in Canada and the US. Get out and vote, people!

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