Elections Canada to recommend tighter nomination rules after foreign influence probe

Source: CaliperLee62


  1. >*In her preliminary report in May, Hogue said allegations about interference in the Don Valley North nomination “makes clear the extent to which nomination contests can be gateways for foreign states who wish to interfere in our democratic process.”*

    >*The report considered allegations that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) attempted to tilt the nomination process in candidate Han Dong’s favour.*

    >*Hogue’s report referred to intelligence indicating that PRC officials in Canada contrived to transport international students by bus to support Dong. It also included allegations that students were both ineligible to vote and allegedly coerced into supporting the Liberal nominee.*

    >*“Before the (2019) election, intelligence reporting, though not firmly substantiated, indicated that Chinese international students would have been bused in to the nomination process in support of Han Dong, and that individuals associated with a known PRC proxy agent provided students with falsified documents to allow them to vote, despite not being residents of (Don Valley North),” the report read.*

    >*The report noted that the information came from a variety of sources and had “various levels of corroboration.”*

    >*In his testimony at the Hogue inquiry, Dong said that if he was made aware of international students improperly voting in his nomination, he would have put a stop to it.*

    >*“I didn’t pay attention to busing international students because … I didn’t understand it as an irregularity,” he said.*

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