Trump Camp Says State Menstrual Surveillance Programs are A-OK

Source: nyerinup


  1. The end of *Kiss the Girls*. Cary Elwes does the whole “go through your garbage to see a lady’s cycle” thing.

    Just saying. The Claw is coming to get you.

    Vote Blue!

  2. Wasn’t this posted already? I keep thinking we need a song parody of Cheap Trick’s *Dream Police*, only with *Period Police*.

    And at the risk of repeating myself, menstrual surveillance program? WTF?

    > JD Vance is a major menstrual surveillance hawk. When the Biden administration pushed for updated HIPAA regulations to prevent sheriff’s departments and other law enforcement agencies from pulling women’s medical records for their menstrual surveillance programs (which they termed “compassionate laws protecting unborn children and their mothers”), Vance was one of only 28 members of Congress (and only 8 senators) to sign a letter protesting the new regs, which, per the letter, “interfere with valid state laws protecting life.” (You can see the letter here. It’s a doozy.)
    > Think about those numbers. Out of all the crazies in the House Republican caucus and among the 49 Republican senators, they couldn’t even get 30 people to sign this thing. But the Trump campaign itself, not surprisingly, has done its best to avoid the issue. I mean, how could they not? Even the name is toxic.

    J.D. Vance wants to send the Period Police to your house every month? Figures. He’s got some real issues regarding women it sure seems like.

    But seriously, the article points out they the GOP is going for another “it’s not us, it’s up to the states to decide”, and we know exactly how that will turn out.

    >It’s totally up to the states. Trump’s “leave it up to the states” approach applies to all these menstrual surveillance and travel restriction regimes as well. It’s a new opening for the Harris campaign to focus attention on an issue that hasn’t yet gotten enough attention — not just abortion rights as a general issue but states and county sheriffs’ effort to restrict women’s travel, access their medical records and current state of menstruation or gestation, and bar access to legal medications.

  3. SeductiveSunday on

    Republicans won’t actually have “state menstrual surveillance programs”, instead their plan is Federal weekly pregnancy testing programs.

  4. People are rightly dropping period tracking apps because the data could be subpoenaed. Remember that supermarket purchases are also tracked if you use loyalty cards and carry the same risk. Do not use a loyalty card to purchase tampons.

  5. gentleman_bronco on

    Thumbnail image is of JD Vance when he gets access to a spreadsheet of women’s menstrual cycle data. He’s so fucking excited for it.

  6. OpenImagination9 on

    Not sure why any woman would vote Republican at this point. Unless they’re into that kinda thing.

  7. So let me see if I understand this.

    Republicans think the government has no business knowing who owns guns because that is private.

    But they also believe the government should know who is menstruating or not.

    They are *weird* but also evil.

  8. I’m Canadian, and would love to know how this and freedom loving can exist in the same country, like I thought the conservatives were about smaller government and less over reach but this seems directly the opposite?

  9. The thing is, Tampon Tim I can like. Nice men have supplies handy when anyone might need them….this surveillance shit is gross. I’m a Texan with two daughters and trust me, there have been chats.

  10. Damn, why are Republicans so damn CREEPY? This is some serious shit. Menstrual Surveillance?? Blue tsunami to wipe them out.

  11. Do you know how much money this would take, along with deporting immigrants under an economy crippled by outdated and stupid tariffs? Damnit, MAGA put away your shitty racism for one election cycle, for the love of God

  12. Ok-Abbreviations543 on

    The party of “small government” wants to track women’s cycles? This is christo fascism.

  13. Who the fuck wants to surveil menstrual programs? Good fucking lord!!!! #pass #somehumanprivacy #please

  14. They have this team of interns who job it is to think up something stupider than yesterday. “It can’t be a good thing if it doesn’t hurt somebody we all hate!”

  15. Don’t tread on me! Oh sorry, thought I was on the conservative sub and read “surveillance” and thought instantly of my guns and freedom😏

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