Trump Insists People Leaving His Rally Aren’t Really Leaving His Rally

Source: UWCG


  1. >Rally size is something that is important to Trump — so important that he became agitated during a Sept. 10 presidential debate when Democratic rival Kamala Harris bluntly said that “people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom.”

    [He’s still fixated on it](; I’m starting to think [Mary Trump was onto something with the “narcissistic injury”]( thing she mentioned right after the debate

  2. WontThinkStraight on

    >“These stupid people that are with me sometimes, they say, ‘Come on back,’” Trump said. “Thirty people, they get up and they go back. And they’re all lined up in the back waiting for me to take a picture because I couldn’t do it before.”
    >But Trump’s explanation for people leaving his rally wasn’t helped by the Harris campaign sharing purported video of (checks notes) people leaving his rally.

    Stupid people 🤡

  3. Trump is such a sad creep. He sees people getting up to leave his boring rally and lies that they are really going to the back to wait for photo opportunities with him. He can’t stand that not everybody loves him and that even some of his rally goers aren’t completely impressed with his 140 minute droning.

  4. I_like_baseball90 on

    Who are you going to believe, Mango Mussolini or your eyes?

    Clearly Mango knows more than your stupid eyes do.

  5. They really are leaving, but just over there a little bit — to buy watches. Becasue the watches are nearly as spangly and beautiful as I am. But the glow of my lolden visage: it’s too much for them and they have to give their eyes a rest == and so they go to buy the wonderful watches..

  6. Malignant narcissists are detached from reality in a way that can be difficult for most of us to comprehend.

    For example, if you mistakenly mentioned a state being in the path of a hurricane, but it wasn’t, would your next step be to laugh it off, or take a sharpie to a map and wave it around on the national news?

  7. StronglyHeldOpinions on

    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

    – George Orwell, 1984

  8. I honestly believe MAGA goes for the tailgate and not the main event. They get to hobnob with their like minded brethren, feel accepted, do their “pilgrimage” to their orange lord and then leave early before they return to their angry lonely lives with everyone down to their coworkers going NC with them bc they’re disgusting MAGA deplorables

  9. Weird old man says people really aren’t tired of his nonsensical ramblings as they leave out of boredom. News at 11.

  10. Consistent-Start-185 on

    They got their checks, and the check is for the 2 hours to see the circus. Why should they stick around and be bored out of their mind(not that they have any)

  11. They carry him in their hearts.

    They carry him out into the world.

    Praise be to Trump, praised be his name forever more, Amen.

    Evermore,,, thus spoke the raven, evermore.

    (How come this demented PoS is a candidate for president in the USA?)

  12. Right…and he didn’t really commit those crimes or settle in court for sexual assault. Fuck Off Dump

  13. Squirrel_Whisperer on

    Just making sure none of them Odie eating immigrants aren’t trying to steal their Truck Nutz 4 Trump adorned F250s

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