B.C. residents fearful for family as bombing continues in Lebanon

Source: BertramPotts


  1. An absolute nightmare and I cannot imagine the fear and pain Lebanese Canadians are feeling right now. The ones I do know have been on edge for a year, terrified for their loved ones back home. I haven’t spoken to them in the past week or so but I know they’re hurting.

    That our country continues to avoid more serious measures, such as sanctions, supporting ICJ applications, and more, is a major failure and really degrades the global and domestic opinion of Canada and its supposed support for international human rights. Canada should be preparing flights out of Beruit instead of sending Canadians to the airport to try and buy a ticket at the only international airport in the country. Anything less is knowingly putting Canadians in harms way. Hell, two Canadians fleeing have already been killed. We have to do more.

    Israel will not stop this madness unless countries force it to. In the meantime, they’ll continue a genocide, target neighbouring countries with impunity, and displace, ethnically cleanse, and kill innocent civilians.

  2. WesternBlueRanger on

    Canadians still in Lebanon has had about a year of constant government warnings and travel advisories telling citizens to leave the country, immediately.

    If for some reason, you choose to stay in the country despite the constant and repeated warnings to leave immediately, it’s your own damned fault.

    If a Russian-Canadian is still in Russia almost 3 years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, don’t expect the Canadian government to bail you out if you are drafted into the Russian military and sent into the meat grinder, or are arrested and charged for subversive activities.

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