Another footage of the massive air strike by Israel in Beirut , Lebanon

Source: DavidGman


  1. Advantius_Fortunatus on

    Curious what’s up with the red smoke. Hezbollah wouldn’t co-locate their headquarters with a rocket storage or bomb-making facility, would they? Would they be THAT dumb? Or maybe… 100 feet underground is where they felt safe putting all that stuff, even if it was all in one place.

    It just doesn’t seem *wise* to put your command HQ in the same underground facility as a massive ammonium nitrate or rocket fuel store.

    Edit: A mildly rude reply suggested Beirut has a red sandy soil and google says that’s true

  2. reddittallintallin on

    Damn Russians attacking another country… Oh wait…

    Recipes: be western aligned, tag enemy as terrorist, kill everyone, ignore collateral, profit.

  3. Notice how when Al-Baghdadi was killed by the USA (rightfully I might add) only his immediate family and fellow combatants were harmed?.

    Meanwhile a whole load of noncombatants got harmed on the operation against Hezbollah’s head brass.

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