Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on an entrepreneurship research project and am exploring a potential problem space around posture issues caused by prolonged use of phones and computers. This is something l’ve noticed affecting a lot of people working office jobs, especially in younger generation in Australia, and I’m passionate about finding a solution that could genuinely help. To do that, I need to validate the problem space and understand how significant it really is for different people.

That’s where I need your help! I’ve created a short survey to gather insights on this issue. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping me decide whether this is a problem worth pursuing further.
If you spend a lot of time on your phone or working at a desk for work, your insights could be incredibly valuable.

What’s in it for you?
* By participating, you’ll be contributing to research that aims to develop effective solutions for better posture and reduced neck pain.
* It’ll take just a few minutes, and your responses could help shape future health and wellness products.

Who should take this survey?
* Australian professionals working desk jobs or spending a lot of time on screens

Here’s the survey link: https://forms.gle/wgjs6LgykTaCKZyr6

Thank you for your time! Every response counts, and I greatly appreciate your help!

Source: Flaky_Professor3514

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