“Zelenskyy is going through incredible trials, I have a good relationship with him, as well as with Putin…”, Trump at a meeting with Zelenskyy in New York

Source: ua-stena


  1. >Trump said that if elected, he is ready to work with Democrats to end the war in Ukraine.

    It’s cute how willing he is to say anything to improve his dwindling chances of reelection. There will be no more Democrats if he takes office again. It will be him and what you are willing to give him that will determine what help you get.

    He has already shown how he “works with Democrats” when he attempted to extort Zelenskyy.

    His words are empty. Don’t trust him.

  2. Trump is unhinged, man. He’s completely talking out of his ass all the time. It’s a shame so many people in the US can’t see this.

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