A majority of millionaires plan to vote for Harris over Trump in November

Source: Dub_U


  1. Imaginary-Arugula735 on

    A majority of millionaires are well educated and intelligent people with a firm grip on reality.

  2. If we can’t come together enough as one people to thwart possibly the greatest threat to America and our allies in history, then Jesus fucking Christ, do we even deserve our freedom. Trump wants to cede land from a democratic sovereign nation to Vladimir Putin. That’s where he is. You gotta ask yourself, what’s next.

  3. Millionaires are not what they used to be. Something like 10% of the population has at least $1m net worth.

  4. Brilliant-Lake-9946 on

    A majority of millionaires are not American Libertarians, the “I’ve got mine, fuck everyone else” crowd

  5. We duh, the suburban McLean Virginia millionaire has been the beating heart of the Democratic Party since Clinton.

  6. runningoutofwords on

    Yeah? Are they supporting the down ballot races?

    Then don’t waste our time, because that’s where the insurrection is being supported

  7. turb0_encapsulator on

    Millionaires are not the same as the super rich. It probably just means you are a middle-aged or older professional couple who owns a home.

  8. old_and_boring_guy on

    Having a million or two in assets is essentially what middle class used to be: decent house, two cars, three kids, and a retirement to some place that doesn’t entirely suck.

    It’s not *rich*. You’re not going to see any benefit from all those tax cuts Trump loves, nor any impact from ones Kamala has proposed.

  9. Ok_Primary_1075 on

    So i guess they wouldn’t be buying those USD100K watches being peddled by the orange one

  10. A majority of everybody is planning to vote for Harris…

    The electoral college is the gop’s hope… And scotus… And disenfranchisement

  11. Because we have something to lose. Poor Republicans will burn this country to the ground because they have nothing to lose and think they are getting revenge against brown people and “the swamp”.

  12. A majority of millionaires are normal middle class folks. Millionaire=/=top 0.01%.

    Remember the saying… what’s the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars? About a billion dollars

    7 and low 8 figure households will still benefit more under Harris than trump, they’ll weather the storm probably fine under trump, but until you’re in the 9, 10, 11 figure club, Trump offers you nothing.

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