Trump reveals Zelensky’s personal message pleading for meeting

Source: TheTelegraph


  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    Donald Trump has revealed a personal plea Volodymyr Zelensky sent him for a meeting.

    The Republican nominee took the unusual step of posting [a message from Mr Zelensky]( to his Truth Social account, with the apparent intention of making the Ukrainian leader look keen to meet him. 

    In the message, Mr Zelensky said [he always speaks “with great respect” about Trump,]( and argues the two men “have to strive to understand each other and remain in close contact”.

    [He requested a meeting with Trump,]( to be held on Friday in New York, and implied it had been scheduled for Friday. Speaking to reporters on Thursday evening, Trump confirmed he would meet Mr Zelensky the following day.

    “[All of us in Ukraine want to end this war]( with a just peace,” Mr Zelensky wrote.

    “And we know that without America this is impossible to achieve. That’s why we have to strive to understand each other and remain in close contact.”

    He added: “Days ago, we requested a meeting with you, and I really want to hear your thoughts directly, and firsthand.

    “You know I always speak with great respect about everything connected to you, and that’s how it should be. I can be in New York on Friday, which would be a good time to meet.

    “I believe it’s important for us to have a personal contact and to understand each other 100%.

    “Let me know if you are in the city at that time – I would really like for our meeting to take place, as part of our efforts to help us end this war in a just way.”

    The message was passed to Trump via Denys Sienik, the deputy chief of mission for Ukraine’s US embassy.

    **Read more:** [****](

  2. Helmidoric_of_York on

    It might have been more convincing if he had actually met with Zelensky. Proudly saying he blew off the Ukrainian President shows what a Russian stooge and fourth-grade bully Trump really is. (Zelensky’s message was probably written by the FSB.)

  3. Offcourse Zelensky has to do this. There’s much more at stake than his own ass. Just smart to do. It’s clear Trump has the most power in the republican party. It doesn’t matter who wins the election, it is better to have both parties at your side. He can’t afford it betting on one horse.

  4. Is Trump also still saying that the US has given more support to Ukraine than Europe and that Haitians are snacking on cats and dogs?

  5. Well, Trump either has a personal vendetta with Zelensky because he refused to invent stuff against Biden in 2020, a serious hardon for Putin and wants to dickride “Daddy” or a profound fear of Putin because he has dirt on or leverage against him.

    All of these things are hard to stomach. The real fear here is that Trump simply doesn’t understand the concept of patriotism. Maybe Trump simply can’t grasp the concept of a man fighting for his country. He can’t understand why Zelensky humbles himself before the likes of Trump for the sake of his country. He mistakes humility for weakness.

    One thing seems clear though: If the Russians were to invade Alaska, Trump would “deal” that state away in a heartbeat.

  6. Straight-Storage2587 on

    Bad move, trying to meet rump.

    I can hear rump already…. “he came to me on his knees, begging, with tears running down his face, “Sir, we need your help. Only you can save us.”

  7. If I were Zelensky, I would be very wary of meeting Trump on his turf. The Russians could get to him too many ways considering that Trump is almost certainly Putin’s stooge. If this message were legit, think how much info Trump is giving bad actors just by releasing it – the day and location of the meeting, at the very least.

  8. The wording of the headline is shit. They say ‘pleading’ which implies desperation or weakness but really it’s just a polite request for a meeting.

  9. AccomplishedSir3344 on

    Great to here that Zelensky that has no shame after how Trump tried to blackmail him for aid.

  10. i don’t get why he’d release this, the narrative republicans have been pushing is zelensky has been helping the democrats / harris win the election by visiting swing states they control, this shows zelensky wanted to visit donald who has refused to allow a meeting between them.

  11. Don’t even waste your time trying to win over that orange toad. He’s been in Putins pocket since day one.

  12. It’s kinda scary how this Trump can run for president and have so much support. Have people gone insane in the west?

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