What are some questions you think genuinely divide Aussie opinions?

Source: Voice_Drop


  1. Immigration, the NBN, the housing market, political parties, Covid mandates, climate change, welfare/centrelink, indigenous rights, sports, raygun, parmi vs parma..

    Aussies will divide on just about anything.

  2. Neonaticpixelmen on

    A lot of people are saying immigration, but I feel like reducing immigration is kinda a bipartisan issue atm, whichever party shows real reduction in immigration is likely to win over more votes.

    Unfortunately neither party can be trusted with this, and our third party options are kinda dire, sustainable Australia party seems ok but they’re unproven. 

  3. What’s the best beer?

    What’s the best footy?

    Very different to the questions we all agree on:

    Should it be legal to charge for sauce?

    Am I ever gonna see your face again?

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