Netanyahu says Israel ‘will not stop’ attacks on Hezbollah despite ceasefire calls

Source: Apprehensive_Sleep_4


  1. A ceasefire that doesn’t include enforcement of 1701 is just giving Hezbollah time to rearm itself to attack Israel.

  2. For a **year** Hezbollah has been launching rockets at Israel. Only when Israel fights back does the international community start asking for a ceasefire.

    Honestly, the anti-Israel bias could not be more clear.

  3. Calling for the death and extinction of nations and groups of people should simply no longer be tolerated. Uncompromising rhetoric like that should no longer be ignored after the events of Oct 07, 2023. People who will go around raping and murdering people at concerts are not people I want running around. Israel, women, gays, men without beards, grannies, are shown no mercy and are treated with the worst kinds of tortures these pervy, hateful people can think of and thus should not be trusted or compromised with.

  4. JoeHatesFanFiction on

    Why would Israel agree to a ceasefire where they get nothing, when they’re in the best position they’ve been in for years to hurt Hezbollah? You need to give them something to get them to agree. And forcing Hezbollah to comply with resolution 1701 is the only carrot Lebanon or the UN has. 

  5. Do you know who else started a two front war? You’re engaged in a War with the Palestinians that seems to have no end in sight. The hostages appear to be an excuse, a means to an end, especially with the actions in the West Bank. Israel has had multiple invasions of Lebanon and achieved nothing except death and destruction. Hezbollah is as strong as ever, Lebanon has long ceased to be the “Paris of the Middle East”, and the Israelis have undergone rocket attacks it seems forever.

  6. Atleast when hezbollah gets weak enough the Lebanese people will have a chance to rise up and kick these mfers out of their government.

  7. Where were those ceasefire calls when Israel was being attacked by hezbollah for 11 months??? They don’t want peace to keep ppl safe- they want peace to maintain a sense of quiet, and when Israel is attacked they don’t hear about it on the news so to them it’s quiet

  8. Ceasefire calls only started after Israel began strongly responding to Hezbollah’s aggression of eleven THOUSAND rockets launched at Israel in under a year. Disgusting.

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