Disability rights groups launching Charter challenge against MAID law

Source: existentialgoof


  1. existentialgoof on

    There are more details on the website for the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: [Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Disability groups legally challenge Canada’s euthanasia law. (alexschadenberg.blogspot.com)](https://alexschadenberg.blogspot.com/2024/09/disability-groups-legally-challenge.html)

    Get your identity politics bingo cards at the ready before opening the link. It hits all the important points about sacred victimhood identities, interlocking systems of oppression, intersectionality, and so on. The postmodernist left is a greater threat to bodily autonomy in Canada than the religious right.

  2. Key_Mongoose223 on

    I’d like to keep my right to die peacefully thank you very much.

    If you don’t want MAID don’t get it.

  3. Awfully curious what argument they are attempting. Which Charter rights are being contravened by providing optional access to assisted death?

  4. SnakesInYerPants on

    I genuinely don’t understand the logic of attacking MAID because you see the healthcare system is failing vulnerable people.

    It is failing. That’s undeniable.

    Will removing MAID fix it? Nope. Won’t even slightly improve it.

    So if your concern is that people who want to keep living are being failed, you should focus those efforts on fixing that failing system rather than focusing them on attacking MAID.

    We need to nationalize healthcare so that people aren’t being denied care due to availability (there was a story shared here recently about a woman who ended up going to a different country because her province didn’t have the specialists she needed for her treatment. Those specialists were in Canada, too, but as healthcare is provincial she couldn’t access those specialists. Her province would not approve her for out of province care and she was now trying to fight them to be recouped for what it cost her to get it done internationally).

    Nationalizing it would also cut down on massive admin bloat. No more having multiple organizations managing healthcare in a single province, just have one organization on a federal government level managing it. Now your healthcare information, coverage, an availability is uniform no matter where in the country you move.

    We also need to bring dental and mental health and vision into this. Our current system is multi tier, most clinics and hospitals are privately owned but have public access. This leads to governments and insurance being charged much more than the costs of providing healthcare and treatments, as the owners of these clinics have to bring in some profit to remain viable. For things like dental they have pricing lists they are suggested to follow, but the guides are usually just recommendations and there is no requirement to stick to those prices. That brings the costs Canadians are paying out of pocket and through our taxes and benefit plans through the roof. For all forms of healthcare, no more having private clinics billing the government. Rather, have medical professionals be government employees and now the government and Canadians are paying cost and salaries, rather than cost and salaries *and* profits.

    Stop letting medical collages put artificial caps on medical students. Get as many doctors, nurses, surgeons, dentists, and other medical health professionals educated as possible to increase availability across the country. When bringing in medical health professionals from other countries, give them extra incentives to go live in and work in our small communities that have little or no access to healthcare. If an immigrant doctor is willing to spend the next 10 years delivering healthcare to this remote community, process their citizenship for free (if they want and qualify for citizenship) at the end of those 10 years.

    There are so many solutions needed to actually fix our failing healthcare. Removing MAID is not one of those solutions.

  5. songsforthedeaf07 on

    Those on disability get treated like garbage in Canada- and the government would rather them choose MAID than actually give them the proper supports they need

  6. Disability rights groups use people’s suffering as a backdrop to argue for disability rights, so of course they’re against MAiD.

    Also I’m willing to bet some of these groups are religious.

  7. I don’t really care what reason, you should have the right to the end it on your own terms, peaceful and safely and with respect and dignity. What greater freedom is there really?

  8. Tell you what: let’s let people receive assistance in dying on their own terms, then allow the results tell the story.

    Once disabled and mentally ill people start offing themselves in droves, we can let our collective disgust at this result drive transformation in our healthcare system.

    Either we will be so offended at how our general the lack of support for the disabled leads people to seek death that we will effect meaningful change in our healthcare system . . . or we won’t.

    What we really fear is that the latter outcome is most likely.

    Lawsuits like this aren’t about driving change, but about protecting us from having to reckon with the consequences of having not already acted.

    We already know that many disabled people want to die. We already know what will happen when MAID finally opens up to permit people with only mental illnesses to seek assisted death. We just don’t want to admit that we are responsible for social conditions which are so despicable that suicide is desirable.

    To be clear: **we would rather see people continue to suffer intolerably just so we don’t have to witness the results of not giving a single fuck about them.**

    It’s not the specter of mass suicides by vulnerable people that MAID opponents fear, but that these deaths would serve as hard evidence of exactly how little Canadians care about vulnerable people. Canadians need to experience first-hand the fruits of our collective apathy toward the disabled and the mentally ill. This fruit is people acting on their sincere desire to die rather than to carry on in the society they find themselves trapped in.

    And where relief truly isn’t possible for particular people, then guess what? That’s the tragedy of life. As a society, we need to accept that some problems have no solutions. Our own failure to accept this reality cannot justify refusing to permit suffering people to decide for themselves when they have suffered enough.

    Letting people die on their own terms is the only dignified course of action when the alternative is to wait around for relief that will never, ever arrive.

    Any other response is evil.

  9. I can understand their point that expanding MAID well deeply under-funding disability support program kinda send mixed messages to those on those programs.

    majority of people with disabilities live in poverty with income well below min wage.

    there are adults in Ontario living on less then 1K a month from ODSP.

  10. If you don’t want to use it, don’t. That’s as far as any restrictions should go.

  11. This is pointless and a massive waste of tax dollars, the supreme court already ruled on Track 2, that’s why it *exists*. The government lost a charter challenge over it, specifically Carter v Canada.

    This whole thing is highly suspect and feels like they’re trying to just stir up controversy.

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