UASpaceMarine: AzovStal Space Marines

Source: brammo1991


  1. I have been painting space marines in Ukrainian colors for a while now, I either auction them off or I’m commissioned by people to paint something specific. The money goes to ComeBackAlive and United24 with over 2141 euro raised.

    This time, I painted a gift for Azov, especially the warhammer nerd amongs them who wore a Dark Angels patch during the siege of Azovstal. Gandalf Immortan.

    If you would like your own Ukrainian space marines, Imperial Guard, Ad Mech, etc, let me know and I can put you in my schedule, beware though, there is a bit of a waiting list.

  2. back blast from the rocket launcher would have been chef’s kiss

    still a 9.something out of 10 good job dude!

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