New poll: Harris has overtaken Trump in voters’ biggest concern

Source: plz-let-me-in


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  2. > According to a new Echelon Insights National Poll, Harris pulled ahead of Trump 47%-45% on who people said would definitely or probably do a better job with the economy and jobs, and Harris was ahead 48%-45% among those who responded she’s do better at tackling inflation and the cost of living.

    According to this poll, she is now leading Trump in terms of handling the economy and tackling inflation!

    Also, the new [Echelon Insights poll]( has Harris ahead of Trump by 7 points, 52%-45%. These Harris+6 or 7 national polls are becoming more and more common. Reuters/Ipsos just came out with a poll of her ahead by 6 points yesterday.

  3. armchairmegalomaniac on

    The economy. Harris is up on Trump 47 to 45. That is fantastic news since this has long been considered Trump’s strongest area with voters (God only knows why). I guess her economic speech and work on the stump have started resonating with more voters.

  4. account_for_yaoi on

    If Harris is now winning on the economy, I’m nearly confident enough to say Trump is toast. Let’s make it reality by voting!

  5. Who would’ve thought Harris could edge out Trump on the economy; it might shake up the whole narrative moving forward.

  6. He’s currently on Fox fixated on sex change operations. He keeps repeating the same lie over and over reading from a list he’s looking at. It’s insane.

  7. 538 has given Kamala a 2.6 to 3.6 lead since she became the candidate. She will win popular vote but the EC is a nail biter. Its also a bummer your vote only really matters in a handful of states. Pretty sure america is screwed on this one.

  8. Trump bankrupted a casino and wants to replace income tax with Tarrifs and Americans are just now realizing maybe he’s a buffoon on economics. My lord……

  9. I’m a little skeptical of this poll, but there are some interesting parts. This is a likely voter poll (meaning they’ve almost all voted before, and voted in the last couple of elections)

    Breakdown was 39% Dem, 38% Rep, 20% ‘Ind’ – 39% of those polled were from Southern States, 22% Midwestern States. This is one of the few even/pro-Dem models I’ve seen out there this cycle.

    As per usual in most of the recent polling, people who have a preference aren’t budging on their choice, high 90s in both cases.

    Poll is light on 35-49 age group IMO (22% each 18-34, 35-49, 27% 50-64, 29% 65+) – this lines up with 30% of the respondents reporting as ‘Retired’, this is backed up by ‘81% of respondents have used Facebook in the last day’ and ‘51% get their news from local TV’.

    People think Harris would be better than Trump at Karaoke 55%-16%

    59% have an income under $75k (41% under 50k). 72% are not a parent/guardian of someone under 18.

    Of those who mentioned the Taylor Swift endorsement was a factor – 73% Harris, 27% Trump

    Only 17% will be voting by mail. 41% on election day, 18% in-person early

    Concerns: 1) Cost of living 45%, 2) Jobs/Economy 27%, 3) Immigration 26%, 4) Democracy 16%, 5) Abortion 14%. Considering the older demo, that’s not a crazy breakdown, but I’ve noticed Abortion dropping out of the top 3 more and more lately.

    Another thing that’s been consistent over the last couple of weeks, Biden’s at 43% favorable, he’s been 42-43% pretty shockingly consistently of late.

    Harris is above water favorable in this one, 51%

    I’m not sure I love the model or sample, but they did ask a lot of interesting questions at least. Worth a read through, I think.

  10. The article is slanted. The last bit talks about her getting away from Biden’s ‘baggage’ on the economy. What baggage? It’s been all upside since he took over from Drumph.

  11. Southern-Detail1334 on

    I was listening to the Bulwark a couple of days ago when there was another poll that had her down a point on the economy and Bill Kristol was saying if that is as good as things get for her on this issue she will win the election.

    Biden and then Harris has been so underwater on the economy that this turnaround is impressive. The polls are still so tight but these other indicators are really good signs.

  12. anti_hope_dealer on

    Meanwhile in North Carollina, republicans remove nearly a million from voter rolls. If you know anyone in North Carolina, keep them up to speed, bang on their doors, and let them know what’s up.

  13. GeoNerdDaSauciest on

    Totally agree. They are irresponsibly giving the BS a global platform and legitimizing it. What is going on!?

  14. Kamala Harris has a slight edge ahead of Donald Trump on an issue that’s consistently ranked at the top of voters’ minds: the economy.

    According to a new Echelon Insights National Poll, Harris pulled ahead of Trump 47%-45% on who people said would definitely or probably do a better job with the economy and jobs, and Harris was ahead 48%-45% among those who responded she’s do better at tackling inflation and the cost of living.
    — Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) September 26, 2024
    In a separate poll from earlier in the month, about 4 in 10 registered voters say Trump would do a better job handling the economy, while a similar number say that about Harris, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. About 1 in 10 voters don’t trust either candidate, and a similar share has equal faith in them.

    The finding is a warning sign for Trump, who has tried to link Harris to Joe Biden’s economic track record.

    The polls suggest that Harris may be escaping some of the president’s baggage on the issue, undercutting what was previously one of Trump’s major advantages.

    The economy has long been a weak issue for Biden: A separate AP-NORC poll conducted in late June, before Biden’s disastrous debate with Trump, found that about 6 in 10 Americans disapproved of his handling of the economy. Earlier this year, Americans were much more likely to say that Trump’s presidency helped the country on cost of living and job creation, compared to Biden’s.

  15. Thrills a moron with a 3rd grade level understanding of economics, so embarrassing for this country.

  16. It is absolutely shocking to me that anyone in this country should feel like it is more important to “agree” with the driver of a car than be confident that they are in a state to drive at all.

  17. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 67%. (I’m a bot)
    > Kamala Harris has a slight edge ahead of Donald Trump on an issue that's consistently ranked at the top of voters' minds: the economy.

    > According to a new Echelon Insights National Poll, Harris pulled ahead of Trump 47%-45% on who people said would definitely or probably do a better job with the economy and jobs, and Harris was ahead 48%-45% among those who responded she's do better at tackling inflation and the cost of living.

    > In a separate poll from earlier in the month, about 4 in 10 registered voters say Trump would do a better job handling the economy, while a similar number say that about Harris, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694421 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **Harris**^#2 **economy**^#3 **Poll**^#4 **job**^#5

  18. I know it’s not really something to campaign on, since it hasn’t really borne a lot of fruit (yet), but I think one of the strongest potentials Biden-Harris have on the economy is their general anti-monopolist stance. It’s a rather big shift after decades of pretty laissez-faire attitude beginning with Reagan. Want to bring grocery costs down? A big piece is the prevention of further grocery store mergers, for example, and maybe even breaking up companies like Kroger.

  19. PantaRheiExpress on

    The voters 2nd top concern is “Netflix cancelling my favorite tv show after 1 season.” But the politicians have been surprisingly silent on this topic.


  20. Why the shit would anyone trust drumpf with the economy??? He never did a thing for us! He stuffed his and his friends pockets, that’s it. Good good some people are so fucking dumb

  21. All she needs to say to keep this momentum up is “The fact that Trump doesn’t understand how much his proposed tariffs would hurt the economy shows how unequipped he is to manage our economy”

  22. NeedleworkerFlaky211 on

    trump inherited Obama’s economy and rode the wave solely on the heels of his administration.

  23. In 2016, I asked my brother why he was willing to hand the financial running of our country to a man who had filed for bankruptcy 4 times in the past 10 years.

    He suddenly realized he was not.

    Thank goodness. We still got trump, but I didn’t know anyone who voted for him.

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