BMW clocked above 200 km/h, double the speed limit, on Trans-Canada Highway

Source: crmuscat


  1. A *rented* BMW. That’s going to be a chunk of change on the credit card bill.

    > When police stopped the BMW it was found to be a rental car from Ontario, the driver was issued a $483 excessive speeding ticket and the vehicle was impounded for seven days.

    > “Rental car companies charge their clients for the impoundment and recovery costs when their vehicles are impounded which will add to the driver’s cost for his excessive speeding,” McNeil said.

  2. $483 for this is just the price for this persons personal amusement ride. No punishment at all for endangering everyone around.

  3. HistorianLopsided408 on

    It would be way worse than that in Ontario!

    •$2k minimum fine up to $10k.
    •Vehicle impoundment – it may be permanent depending on how egregious the violation was.
    • Possible 6 months jail time
    • License suspension for up to 3 years

  4. NomadicContrarian on

    What reason does Canada have for not implementing the progressive ticketing system used in Finland/Switzerland?

  5. 200?

    Those are rookie numbers.

    Did 235 in my TL back in the day. Catching air over the rolling hills of east central Alberta was fun!

  6. I get going 20 over or so, under ideal conditions, but 202 kph is fucked. When this car goes by you at such speeds, you might learn why people say “they blew my doors off” when they passed so fast

  7. drugaddictedloser1 on

    NGL, $483 ticket for 50 over? That’s ridiculously cheap. I thought fines for reckless driving started at 5k?

  8. Speeding is counter the law and yes, be fined, ect.

    However, having lived in and traveled Europe, the Middle East, ect our laws, and driver education is antiquated and junk. Driver education and testing being a key piece here. I and my wife loved ripping across Europe and the Middle East when given the chance. 

    Cars are engineered for better now than ever. Canadian infrastructure for the most part could handle 10-30+ km/h more (on multi lane highways at least).

  9. I’d feel safer with someone going 200+, paying attention, in a car designed for it, than a lot of people I see on the roads.

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