Gap between richest and the rest creates a land of disappointed citizens: economist

Source: SaidTheCanadian


  1. I have been saying this about inequality on here for years. Numerous accounts always line up to say how it isn’t true and defend the ultra rich. 

       Maybe now we can discuss how to properly make the ultra rich share the wealth of our nation?

  2. Forget Carney! How can I vote for Lars Osberg as our next Prime Minister?

    > He calls for shifts in the taxation system, including a return of inheritance taxes to Canada, as a viable method to capture massive amounts of wealth before they’re transferred to the next generation.
    > If “a true 65 per cent top tax rate” were brought in alongside meaningful attempts to reduce tax evasion, Osberg said the Canadian government could expect to collect extra revenues of up to $56 billion annually. The funds could go toward reducing the pressures on the poor and help fund a “participation income” system — through which poor and lower middle-class Canadians could receive a guaranteed income if they participate in the economy.
    > Finally, Osberg remains an advocate of economic policy that promotes high employment levels, higher minimum wages and a return to wage earners keeping a larger share of growth.

    Inheritance taxes targeted at those with significant wealth would, provided there aren’t massive loopholes, are a reasonable thing to have. Likewise higher taxes for those who earn more. Those who benefitted _more_ from our current system — infrastructure (roads, water, ports), education (primary, secondary, and tertiary), and safety (police, fire, army), etc… — should be paying _more_, as a proportion of the benefit received, to ensuring the continuing functioning and flourishing of our society.

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