Destruction of a russian Hyacinth-S gun. These weapons use unique barrels and ammo and are now nearly extinct. They were never exported so there is not a pool of parts or ammo anywhere.

Source: Usual-Scarcity-4910


  1. Decent_Persimmon8120 on

    The OP is very wrong on these one. The chassis is etheir a GM-123 or GM-124, the same ones being used by the widely produced and exported Aktsiya 152mm self propelled howitzer and the less common Tyulpan heavy self propelled mortar. If not mistaken, it uses the V-46 engine used by the T-72 and T-72M, T-62M-1 and 2K22 Tunguska so, spare parts are widely available in theory. The gun is a 152mm, the same one as used in the 2A36 Giatsint-B towed howitzer, relatively common cannon, standard 152mm amunition as well. When it comes to exports, the 2S5 wasn´t very popular but, Belarus, Eritrea and even Ukraine had the system in its inventories, Uzbekistan was reported to have received some as well. Russa itself, operated 85 before the war, some 850 where left in storage.


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