Donald Trump Is Unfit to Lead

Source: caveatlector73


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    Apparently the NYT is often quoted to support MAGA views. I wonder if they will repeat this?

    Edit for the reading challenged:

    Like Trump, the NYT editorial board (not the same as the newsroom) knows that most people have to hear something more than once to believe it. Trump isn’t just repeating himself because of dementia.

    According to the editorial board:

    * He is dangerous in word, deed and action
    * He puts self over country
    * He loathes the laws we live by
    * Mr. Trump has shown a character unworthy of the responsibilities of the presidency.
    * He has demonstrated an utter lack of respect for the Constitution, the rule of law and the American people.
    * those who worked most closely with the former president have described as his systematic dishonesty, corruption, cruelty and incompetence.
    * We urge voters to see the dangers of a second Trump term clearly and to reject it.

    Any one arguing that they are wrong?

  3. I wouldn’t trust Trump to make My McDonald’s cup of coffee, I’m definitely not trusting him to lead the nation.

  4. Just_the_nicest_guy on

    Then stop working so hard to try to get him elected you repugnant scumbags. Stop sanewashing rallies where he goes on neo-Nazi rants like: “A vote for Kamala Harris means 40 or 50 million more illegal aliens will invade across our borders, stealing your money, stealing your jobs, stealing your life” with headlines like:

    *Trump Campaigns in North Carolina, Where Scandal Engulfs G.O.P. Candidate for Governor: Sept. 21 Campaign News*

    *At a Rally in North Carolina, Trump Avoids Topic A: Mark Robinson*

    *Trump’s Base in North Carolina Still Supports Mark Robinson, but Some Doubt He Can Win*

    NONE of those articles mention his statement about “40 or 50 million more illegal aliens will invade across our borders, stealing your money, stealing your jobs, stealing your life” but one of them does say, “Mr. Trump delivered a fairly standard rally speech”

    Fuck you, New York Times.

  5. Then perhaps they should stop enabling Maggie Haberman’s irresponsible access “journalism”.

  6. Still waiting on headlines that say

    Florida rapist still in running for presidency

    Convicted criminal polling just behind legitimate candidate

    Business fraudster still holding rallies while awaiting sentencing on 34 convictions

  7. We already knew this.

    The real question is:

    Why is a candidate eligible for President despite a lack of qualifications by any meaningful measure?

    A brisk jog, a high school equivalency, or a quick run through American Ninja Warrior would clear this nonsense up in a few seconds. How about American Galdiators?!?

    But no. Instead, we have less than no requirements.

    We’ve spent more effort specifying age, gender, and ethnic background….

    ….with no attention to anything else.

    And the only thing it has gotten us is an overwhelming majority of old, white men with racial-equality issues.

  8. I guess all those cancelled subscriptions were beginning to make a difference.

    Put this on the front page in big letters and I may consider re-subscribing.

  9. I’m only still subbed for the games… but idk I might still cancel that portion of the sub.

    Yall sanewashed this bullshit for far far too long. I get that Maggie wanted to keep her access, but you ended up ultimately doing a disservice to your readers and the nation et large.

    wonder if this sentiment shows up in their bottom line.

  10. Shocking that the NYT posted this after how much they have enabled and kissed his ass this cycle.

  11. We need a modernized fairness doctrine. Enough of this sanewashing and flagrantly ignoring Trump’s literal Nazi talking points.

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